In fact, Eritrean authorities, often scalded by hot water, as you say, are
not scared of (presumably) cold water, too.
Some brief examples, to explain the American point of view on Eritrea:
“nail and crush Eritrea”, writes an American diplomat in a telegraphic
manner (source: Wikileaks), or, more officially, as American UN ambassador
Susan Rice puts it, “the United States are pleased to announce” the
imposition of sanctions against Eritrea.
Incidentally, we mention that Susan Rice has never hidden her affection and
friendship bond with Meles Zenawi and Ethiopia. Going back in years, in
1950, the American Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, declares the
General Assembly of the United Nations that, though the desires of the
Eritrean people must be taken into account, “the strategic interests of the
United States in the Red Sea basin require that the Country is linked to
our ally, Ethiopia”.
Ibrahim I. Suliman
Received on Thu Oct 02 2014 - 12:25:15 EDT