* Eritrea - Interim Country Strategy Paper 2014-2016 approved
The AfDB Board also approved the Interim Country Strategy Paper (I-CSP)for
Eritrea. The I-CSP covers the period 2014-2016 and aims to assist the
Government of Eritrea in addressing its binding development challenges in a
coordinated and consultative manner.
The strategy focuses on enhancing skills development and technology, in
support of inclusiveness and transition to green growth. In addition, the
Bank will support the government to build resilience and capacity to deal
with, and adapt to a challenging environment to promote inclusive growth and
poverty reduction.
It will also scale up advisory services through economic and sector work as
well as assist in creating capacity and conditions necessary for the
finalisation and implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP) as
well as preparation of a full-fledged Country Strategy Paper.