Mr. Chairman,
Eritrea wholeheartedly welcomes the convening of this meeting keenly aware
that this is but the latest in a long series of forums organized to address
the critical issue of migration and the crime of human trafficking, which
is affecting millions of people and nations throughout the world. Previous
gatherings have patently failed to stem the tide of illegal migration or
constrain the human traffickers. If this meeting and the related next
November gathering in Rome are to make a tangible contribution towards
solving this complex problem, they cannot be mere public relations
exercises. We should not be meeting for PR purposes, to seem to be doing
something, but to actually do something, to make a difference for our
peoples and nations, to bring results within a fixed period of time.
This requires that we go beyond general statements on the need to address
the root causes of the problem to taking concrete steps, within specified
timeframes to address these root causes. It also requires, at least in
Eritrea’s case, that the selective, mistaken, unjustified and
counter-productive politicization of the issue of migration and the
consequent victimization of Eritrean migrants as well as the rampant
nationality-switching is brought to a swift end.
As part of a comprehensive approach to address the issue of migration and
human trafficking, Eritrea proposes the following:-
1. A robust and concerted effort to identify, arrest and prosecute the
human trafficking criminals, and all those who in different guises,
including human rights activism, are complicit in these crimes.
2. A determined effort for broad-based and sustained socio-economic
development as well as active citizen political participation to provide
increased opportunities for citizens in countries that are currently
sources of migration.
3. A review of the migration policies of the countries of destination, and
in Eritrea’s case, the end of the selective and unjustified politicization
of the migration issue.
4. Protection of the rights of all migrants, including their right to
education, skills training, employment as well as their right to maintain
their links to and visit their home country.....for more click link....
Received on Sun Oct 19 2014 - 10:41:45 EDT