ion-be-established-that-spearheads-the-development-of-art-in-the-country> "I
wish some kind of an institution be established that spearheads the
development of art in the country"
Friday, 04 July 2014 12:03 | Written by shabait Administrator |
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http://www.shabait.com/component/content/section/1> - Q
http://www.shabait.com/articles/q-a-a> & A
edir was born in 1976 in Asmara. By profession he is an electrical engineer.
He took his certificate in Electricity from Asmara Technical School, diploma
with the same profession from Asmara University and his BSC in Electrical
Engineering from Asmara University. He is currently working with Sawa
Construction Company as business developer. He is our guest of day.
Q: Akedir, by profession you are an Electrical Engineer, how come you become
an artist, which I think are very far apart disciplines.
>From my early childhood, I think, I had the inclination of writing poems,
listening to music and watching dramas. The only thing I lacked was to have
the gut taking it as my daily activity. Otherwise art has been inside me for
Q: And when did you start writing?
I remember it was in 1994, we took summer training course in literature that
has been organized by the National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students.
That training helped me develop confidence of my inclination and start
producing some art products. I started to write short stories and poems.
Q: Go on!
You know, some times even if you identify your talent you could loose
confidence to pursue it. You feel inside you that am I the right person to
do this and that. You need something that motivates and encourage you to
follow your instinct. And thanks to the training I took at the NUEYS, I had
been encouraged to try practicing the talent that has been buried inside me
for years. From 1997 on wards I started writing short stories and articles
for newspapers. From this onwards I knew that I could be a writer.
In 1997 I went to Sawa to take my military training with the 7th batch
members of the National Service. Upon completion my military training I was
assigned at the 37th Division cultural troupe. At that time my full time job
has been to coordinate the cultural troupe and produce dramas and lyrics for
the cultural troupe. That has been a good opportunity for me to practice and
develop my artistic talent.
Q: And I heard you were also participating at the national holidays in
producing literary materials.
For that matter I am still participating in producing dramas for national
occasions, and contributing my part in evaluating different artistic works
that come from different artists in connection with national holidays such
as Independence Day. One of my dramas has been staged at the Asmara stadium
during Independence Day celebration.
Q: You are also the chairperson of the Eritrean Film Rating Committee.
Yes, I am!
Q: What is the objective of the committee?
Our main job is to oversee the quality and the messages the films convey to
the society. By quality I mean, does the film meet the basic standard of
films in terms of picture, light, characterization, editing, etc.? On the
other hands we also make sure that the film respects and reflects the good
societal values. And those films which meet the standard we set for our
rating are given points ranging from half point to three. So far very few
films have been able to get 2.5 to 3 points.
The other and main objective of the rating is to help the film industry
develop to a desired standard. The points they receive would help the film
producer know their standard and ability to produced quality films as much
as possible. Those who got lesser points would know the point of their
weakness and try to improve them next time. And with that it is our hope the
film industry would develop with time.
Q: But it is widely said that, since all the films that are produced are
presented to the public from one cinema hall, that is Cinema Impero. Films
that got half point are given equal time and space with those films which
got 3 points. Where do you see that the rating is encouraging the
development of film industry in the country?
Well it is true that all films irrespective of the points they get are shown
to the public from one cinema hall. And that might seem the result of the
rating makes no difference. In other words, one might ask if the rating is
not encouraging those who come out with quality films what is the use of the
The question might seem true but in reality we are observing that the rating
is progressively making the difference. The films which are produced are not
only for public shows in the cinemas. They are also put to the market,
mainly to the Diaspora Eritreans. Those people who buy the films first look
to the point the film has been given. The film that is of 3 points is much
expensive than the film with half point. This is what we are currently
observing practically. And we believe that is the result of our job.
Q: On another issue, do you believe on the concept that some people perceive
that the lack of readership is harming the development of literary works in
the country. I mean we don't see many books published and that is the lack
of readership is discouraging writers to produce books.
I don't take that concept. I don't think books that touch the feeling of the
society would lack readers. Literary works that raise issues alien to the
society would not get readers. It is said that artists should be the horse
that pulls the cart and not the cart that is pulled by the horse. In other
words, artists should be the vanguard of the society, they should raise
issues that the society could learn and through which they could improve
their livelihood and way of living. That is very important in literary
works. Moreover, artists, if they want to produce critical works they should
make critical research so that they touch widely prevailing aspect within
the society, and not minor issues that could not have the attention of the
society. They should also respect the good values of the society and try to
promote them. For example, Eritrea is known for its peace and tranquility
where people could go to a place of their wish at any time without fear of
anything. That should be promoted and encouraged.
May be one thing that we could talk about with regards to the negative
effect for the development of literary works is the cost of printing press
and lack of distribution. The lack of publishers is really affecting the
development. A writer should produce literary work, be it a book or short
stories, submit it to the publishing agencies and leave the process to them.
They would evaluate the book, see to its quality and decide whether to
publish it or not. If they feel the book is fit for publishing they publish
it and handle the distribution and the writers expects only his dividends.
Otherwise if the writer is responsible for writing, publishing, and
distribution, it would be tiresome and discouraging. And my wish is to see
the establishment of such publishing agencies.
Q: Mr. Akedir I thank you very much for the time you gave me for this
I also thank you for having me!
Received on Fri Jul 04 2014 - 16:11:33 EDT