(CAP) Oil and gas finds in the Red Sea herald unprecedented energy investment programmes | CyberAdal أدال الفضائية

From: Ibrahim Idris Suliman <eboeri30_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 15:41:56 -0700

*Oil and gas finds in the Red Sea herald unprecedented energy investment *

*The Red Sea Oil & Gas 2015 Summit, **organised** by **IRN** on 23rd-24th
February in Dubai will host discussions on the geology, investment plans
and ways to get involved in the upcoming E&P developments. Senior level
speakers from the Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources of Jordan, the
Ministry of Energy and Mines in Eritrea, the National Petroleum Company in
Jordan, **Sudapet**, Al **Janoub** for Oil Shale, **Oxy** Yemen, Total
Yemen, **GWDC**, **Tanmia** Petroleum Company, General Petroleum Company
Egypt and many others.*


Red Sea Oil & Gas 2015 Summit

It's an IRN Summit!

London, UK (PRWEB UK) 4 November 2014

The interesting complex of geological structures in the Red Sea generates
numerous commercial opportunities. In the eastern waters, companies who
have deep-water exploration technology or expertise from the North Sea and
the Gulf of Mexico are well-positioned to be prospective partners for Saudi
Arabia. There have been reported two oil and gas discoveries over the past
year and there is an entire construction plan in place to facilitate
extraction operations and energy transportation.

Yemen shares the same frontier basin with Saudi Arabia but there have been
no wells drilled so far. Considering that out of 421 wells drilled in the
country, 55 are producing fields, the likelihood of more commercial
discoveries in Yemen’s waters is extremely high.

The Red Sea in Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and Djibouti boasts more shallow
waters and this is very encouraging for companies to initiate explorations
in the vastly under-explored waters. In Egypt there have been some
drillings and in the past couple of days, an interesting offshore
investment plan was also announced in Djibouti.

The Red Sea Oil & Gas 2015 Summit, organised by IRN on 23rd-24th February
in Dubai will host discussions on the geology, investment plans and ways to
get involved in the upcoming E&P developments. Senior level speakers from
the Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources of Jordan, the Ministry of
Energy and Mines in Eritrea, the National Petroleum Company in Jordan,
Sudapet, Al Janoub for Oil Shale, Oxy Yemen, Total Yemen, GWDC, Tanmia
Petroleum Company, General Petroleum Company Egypt and many others.

More information about the Red Sea Oil & Gas 2015 Summit are available on
the website http://

Ibrahim I. Suliman

(image/png attachment: gI_95538_300x300_Red_Sea_PR_Banner.png)

Received on Wed Nov 05 2014 - 17:42:05 EST

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