The "Invisible Empire": Interview with Panafricanist PD Lawton

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 23:35:01 +0100

The "Invisible Empire": Interview with Panafricanist PD Lawton

By: <> Mawuna Remarque KOUTONIN

Thursday, November 8th, 2014 at 9:04 pm.

I've got to know PD Lawton 9 months ago after an Interview with
<> People's Voice TV, on how France was
forcing <> 14 African
Countries to Pay Colonial Tax For the Benefits of Slavery and Colonization.

Since then we've kept in touch, and exchanged quite a lot of information
about our beloved continent. He is the one who pointed me to the "Terra
Nullius" law used by colonial powers to destroy African nations. He is also
one of the two main fact finders behind the most popular article ever on
SiliconAfrica: <> 100 African
Cities Destroyed By Europeans: WHY there are seldom historical buildings and
monuments in sub-Saharian Africa!

Lawton has an upcoming book titled "African Agenda" in which he shed light
on the "Invisible Empire" working against the renaissance of the African
people, but also shared stories and analysis to make sense of African
history, and beyond understand the hidden agenda behind mainstream news. His
blog <> is the place to follow up
with his work.

In this interview, Lawton tells us a little bit more about her upbringing in
South Africa, her panafricanist heroes, and her faith in the African youth
to free the continent.

Silcion Africa (SA): Good Morning PD Lawton. You are the founder of, a new panafricanist site dedicated to uncovering the
hidden agenda behind the mainstream news and events. You have also written a
book, yet to be published, which main theme is the "Invisible empire". What
is the "Invisible empire"?

PD Lawton: The invisible empire is a monetary system, an economic system
that works by keeping people and nations in debt, that keeps 85% of the
people on Earth so poor that they own nothing at all while the super-rich
live like as a master race. It is a feudal economic system run by criminals
in suits, who look like respectable people but who are anti-human.

They are charming psychopaths. This global monetary system has operated from
the shadows for a very long time. International Monetary Fund and World Bank
policies are policies devised by modern day slave traders. These people
trade in human misery, war and poverty. Its high time people threw them out
of Africa.

If you are looking for systems through which the invisible empire works in
Africa then you need to look at all the economic systems like Francafrique,
the Commonwealth, IMF, World Bank, A.G.O.A etc. All look good on paper but
are criminal, corrupt and induce poverty. They maintain the master-slave

Colonialism never ended, the imperialist powers still control Africa, the
empire is still here, it has just made itself invisible.

SA: You are a south african citizen. You were born there and grew up there,
but you are currently living in Europe. What is your background, and what
are the most important events of your life?

Lawton: I grew up in South Africa in the Apartheid years of the 80s. I left
in 1987 in search of further education in the UK and a saner society. I
didn`t get to `do` either. Britain is a very racist country.

The importance of my years in SA is being able to recognise how a minority
can rule a majority under such aggressive conditions by controlling the
mind-set of both. What was done under Apartheid is being done the world
over, especially in regards to Israel; a world of greater and lesser beings.

SA: You are one of the very few people dedicating lot of time and resource
to our collective effort of Africa renaissance. What brought you to
panafricanism, and who are the most influential panafricanists for you?

Lawton: I would say what brought me to panAfricanism is a sense of sheer and
utter rage that I feel about the loss of human life in Africa most
especially the lives of children. You know in the UK there are a lot of
adverts for charities based in Africa.

These adverts show images of children traumatized and hungry and these
images are presented as if this is normal. For me I feel so much anger that
this is happening and for so long. I am old enough now to understand that
giving money to these charities will not affect any changes to this world
whatsoever. It is time now to expose the root cause of poverty and war.

My number 1 African hero is Thomas Sankara because this man was so
extraordinary.Kwame Nkrumah has to be the greatest panAfrican because of
founding the OAU and Muammar Gadhaffi has been Africa`s greatest opponent of
the empire in Africa. But the inspiration for my work and those who I admire
the most are the people of Abahlali baseMjondolo in South Africa.

SA: What are the most pressing challenges Africa is facing from your point
of view?

Lawton: The most important challenge for Africa is to understand the past,
ie. history. We cannot move forward and create a better world until we fully
understand what is causing hell in the present world.

SA: How, we as panafricanists, could organize to tackle these long list of

Lawton: PanAfricanism needs to encourage the African unity of Kwame Nkrumah,
Gamal Nasser and Thomas Sankara. The African Union is a sad relic of
Nkrumah`s OAU.

It is under the complete control of the empire and is being used to do the
foreign corporations dirty work. Africa needs to reclaim what is hers, that
includes history, religion, resources and each other; to refuse to be
infected by the empires virus of man`s inhumanity to his fellow man. The
most effective tool to fight oppression is an idea.

That is why I support SiliconAfrica and the Indiegogo project because real
African voices need to be heard on the internet, in the media and in
published works.

SA: You have recently written a very interesting post about the progress of
the new world order in Africa, listing countries which are already 100%
conquered by the new world order, and those next on the list. Please,
elaborate a bit in detail on this very interesting topic for our audience.

Lawton: Africa has been systematically de-populated for over 3 centuries. I
would say that in many African countries the New World Order is 100%
complete because our only defence against the empire`s new world order is
our numbers.

Many African countries are regarded as democratic but they are in fact
highly repressive, authoritarian regimes. These countries are labor camps
for corporations and are run by an African elite of 5-10% of the population.
Those who are not needed to farm or turn the cogs of industry are regarded
as `extra`, unwanted, unnecessary and it is these people who are being
systematically eradicated by poverty and disease.

In South Africa the government assassinates the poorest of the poor on a
daily basis in so-called random violence. For anyone wanting to study the
new world order in depth I suggest they visit
<> This is the website of a Scottish
researcher, Alan Watt.

SA: Ebola is the hottest issue currently affecting many African countries.
You have written a post about the long term impact of the Ebola crisis on
Black people around the world. What is your analysis of the events, and what
it the hidden agenda?

Lawton: It is safe to say Ebola is man-made because the American ministry of
defence owns the patent on this bio-weapon. The patent number is registered
as US20120251502A1. It is a depopulation tool like AIDS.

Ebola is also a cover story for increased US/UK military presence in West
Africa. There are US and UK corporations wanting to muscle French
corporations out of West Africa. Note how MSF, which is a French soft power
tool, has objected to World Health Organization operations in Ebola areas.

Ebola will also be used to stigmatize Black people, any African will now be
seen as a possible `contagion`.

SA: Another hot topic in the new now, is the powerful 3 day revolution in
Burkina Faso. The people took on the western backed president Blaise
Compaore, the man who assassinated the panafricanist Thomas Sankara. Around
the continent, the events have energized our youth to fight back on
oppressive regimes. What is your take on the events?

Lawton: I look forward to the day when I can learn what is happening in
Burkina Faso from a Burkinabe instead of from an American or European. I am
glad for the family of Thomas Sankara that one of his murderers has finally
been taken down. But I have a feeling that this revolution is too well
timed, I hope that I am wrong.

You see 27 years is a long time and why did his downfall only happen now? We
need to know more about Compaore`s economic plans. If he was planning to
take Burkina Faso into BRICS then the forces that removed him may be those
in the shadows. There are strange revolutions across the world at the
moment, like the Ukraine and Egypt.

These revolutions are not what they appear to be. But I hope I am wrong and
that Sankara`s spirit in Burkina Faso will rise again.

SA: Your site has just launched. There are already many
panafricanist sites out there. What is the unique voice are you bringing to
the space, and why is that important?

Lawton: I have looked at colonialism in Africa in terms of the New World
Order, in terms of the conspiracy against African unity, African
industrialization and genuine progress for all. My unique message from
Africanagenda is to say to anyone who will listen : Do not `buy` the racist
card, because it has been placed on the table for you to pick up. I believe
that a very, very long time ago Africans brought civilization to Europeans.
I am relying on history to repeat itself.

SA: What is your big plan for Africanagenda? Where do you see this going in
3 to 5 years from now?

Lawton: The long term plan for Africanagenda is to become an outlet for the
real voices of Africa. And to develop an on-line university for African
studies, a real university that is; a university that speaks the truth.

SA: You have written a book which is planned to be published some time soon.
What is the title? Could you share with us some highlights?

Lawton: This book is called "African Agenda", the new world order in Africa.
It presents the political history of Africa, the true version, since the
1960s, how foreign corporations have engineered and funded civil wars as
well as famine. The book also goes into the structure and European history
of the empire including the effects of men such as Cecil Rhodes and Jan
Smuts in southern Africa.

The empire was literally built from the riches of South Africa. Also
researched is humanitarian imperialism and how health is undermined by
enforced poverty which keeps disease like Tuberculosis and Aids so
prevalent. There is finally an esoteric section of the book which discusses
the origin of the world`s shadow religion.

SA: What advise would you give the African youth?

Lawton: The African youth would probably laugh at me if I said what I would
like to say to them. But my only message to them is that they are so loved.
They are so loved by their land, their ancestors and so loved by the Great
Spirit. They are so loved.

SA: How could our readers reach out to you?

Lawton: Readers can get in touch by email <>

Thanks Lawton for your time and insights.

n-Agenda.png> African-Agenda

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Received on Sat Nov 08 2014 - 17:35:05 EST

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