(Reuters): Libyan rebels threaten to declare independence over rival parliament

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2014 00:36:09 +0100

Libyan rebels threaten to declare independence over rival parliament

Sat Nov 8, 2014 9:58am GMT

By Ayman al-Warfalli

BENGHAZI Libya (Reuters) - Libyan rebels who have seized oil ports in the
past to press their demand for regional autonomy said on Friday they would
declare independence in the east if the world recognized a rival parliament,
heightening tensions in the major oil producer.

The actions of rebel leader Ibrahim Jathran are closely watched by oil
markets. He and his followers once seized four major oil ports in eastern
Libya, accounting for 600,000 barrels of oil, and held them for almost a

Jathran signed a deal with the government in April to reopen the oil ports
and toned down his rhetoric. But now he has ramped it up considerably - he
is not known to have threatened to break Libya up into separate states

Libya is already effectively divided and turning into a security nightmare
for its Arab neighbours and Western powers. Armed groups and Islamist
militants who helped toppled Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 are fighting for power
and a share of oil revenue.

An armed group seized the capital of Tripoli in August, set up its own
parliament and left the internationally recognized government and House of
Representatives a rump state in the east, with the prime minister and his
cabinet based in Bayda and the parliament in Tobruk.

"If the world recognizes the (rival assembly) General National Congress ...
then we will be forced to declare eastern independence," the group led by
Jathran said in a statement. It said the group was speaking for unidentified
eastern tribal leaders as well.

On Thursday, Libya's Supreme Court declared the House of Representatives in
Tobruk to be unconstitutional. Parliament dismissed the ruling as invalid
because the court is based in Tripoli, which is under the control of the
rival assembly.

Jathran's group said the ruling was invalid as the judges had not been
working independently. Eastern deputies from the House of Representatives
would form a special parliament for Cyrenaica in case of a secession
declaration, he said, referring to the historic name for eastern Libya, used
before Gaddafi took power.

The court decision, while controversial, puts pressure on the international
community to deal with rival Prime Minister Omar al-Hassi whose government
and associated brigades control much of western Libya.

Western diplomats had previously praised the constitutional court as one of
the most professional institutions in a country plagued by anarchy. Major
Western powers have yet to comment on the ruling, reflecting uncertainty
over how to deal with it.

In September, the United Nations started a first round of talks to bring
together the contending parties. But the talks are based on the assumption
that the House of Representatives is Libya's legitimate parliament.

Oil output had risen to around 800,000 barrels per day in the past two
months, thanks mainly to the re-opening of Ras es-Sider and two other ports
in the east, under a deal between Jathran and the internationally recognized
prime minister, Abdullah al-Thinni.

But production slumped by at least 200,000 bpd when the authorities were
forced to close the southern El Sharara oilfield after an armed group
entered it and stole cars and oil equipment.

C Thomson Reuters 2014 All rights reserved

Received on Sat Nov 08 2014 - 18:36:26 EST

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