Human Trafficker Measho Tesfamariam Hiding in Germany (Accused on the Death of 243 Eritrean Migrants)

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:50:02 +0100

Human Trafficker Measho Tesfamariam Hiding in Germany (Accused on the Death of 243 Eritrean Migrants)

​Human Trafficker Measho Tesfamariam Accused on the Death of 243 Eritrean Migrants Hiding in Germany


The Express Newspaper has tracked down Measho Tesfamariam, accused on the death of 243 Eritrean refugees. He lives quietly in Germany, where he is even pocketing the subsidy. The German police can not arrest him because he has not received the complaint from Italy of family members of the missing at sea

Made merry at the expense of German taxpayers. Measho Tesfamariam, 29, Eritrean, lives near Frankfurt, as confirmed by the criminal police of Giessen, Hessen university town in the heart.

>From Sudan to Libya he was a famous smuggler of refugees. In Italy he is accused of being involved in the disappearance of a boat in the Mediterranean with 243 refugees from Eritrea and Sudan and as is explained in the complaint delivered to the prosecutor on October 17 of Milan. In Germany reception center for refugees, they recorded his fingerprints and was accepted as an asylum seeker.

He is accused of having organized a trip to Italy for 243 refugees which ended up in the bottom of the sea, pocketing $ 1,600 per person. The families of the disappeared Eritreans are hunting him.

Tesfamariam spends his days undisturbed and maintained by the government of Angela Merkel, the man who is alleged to have collected $ 3,200, € 2,500 for each of the thousands of people he trafficked across the Sahara and then shipped into the sea. How was this possible? “Without a complaint to the German official or activation by the Italian judiciary,” says a commissioner of the Criminal Police, “now that we found out who he is and where he is, we can not help but look at him.”

Measho left long before the complaint was filed in Italy. None of the officials acted.”L’Espresso” has now tracked down Measho, the alleged boss who listens to Michael Jackson and have a public page on Facebook.

Measho Tesfamariam arrived Germany in the evening of 19 September, after taking Bologna Bolzano Eurocity of 11:52. That afternoon at the station he had an appointment with one of the relatives of the 243 passengers of the boat that left at three in the morning on June 28th from the beach of Al Khums in Libya and never arrived to Italy.


Faced with the chaos of the civil war in Libya, even Measho left. In mid-September he was rescued by a Navy ship involved in the rescue operation, Italian “Mare Nostrum”. And with two thousand Euros in cash hidden in a backpack, he had arrived safely in Brindisi from where he has then fled to Naples, Bologna and finally Germany. Needless to say, the appointment at the station in Bologna, Measho was not present. He was then tracked down during those hours, on his new Italian mobile phone number by the brother of an Eritrean girl 30 years old who has disappeared on the boat with her cousin and uncle.


Her brother who lives near Milan, days after had signed the statement to the Prosecutor and the other Eritrean citizens who still hope that their relatives are alive.


In Germany, the “Express” has tracked down the brother of a girl who was aboard, Helen, 20, also lost along with their cousin Freiweht, 18 years old . His complaint should finally allow the German police to call in Measho to the office and ask him everything he knows about the boat and its passengers.The first step toward a possible court order. This is why the criminal police hope to reveal the address where the alleged trafficker lives.


Tesfamariam has a relative in Sweden and a former partner in Norway. If he were to run away now, it would be a farther insult. In the same time as the rescue operation Italian “Mare Nostrum” are replaced by the agency of European force “Frontex”, it shows how the EU is refractory from coordination. It is easily permeable to any form of global crime. To the extent that a citizen victim of a serious crime does not know to which authority to report. The first obstacle is the lack of an official language of the European Union. While waiting for long periods of letters rogatory from Italy and the German translation. Italian dell’esposto, the criminal police of Giessen has known for the case of Germany’s involvement in the story. From this question we asked, have you ever dealt with the Eritrean national Measho Tesfamariam? It remains then to determine which power of attorney and then as a police office will investigate the crimes committed in Libya and a possible kidnapping or foundering of which there are traces of Brindisi (where Tesfamariam landed), Bologna (where he was filmed at the station), Giessen (in whose area he was reported)?

Measho’s brother has also been living in Giessen since April. He was a guest in a house of Caritas shelter for minors. He said he was 16 and as is the case for the thousands of refugees accepted in the efficient German system, he attended the school. There are tens of thousands refugees assisted in 2014 in this town of eighty thousand people an hour drive from Frankfurt. As explained Karin Launer, guardian minor office of the City, the journalist Katharina Windmaisser the weekly magazine “Bild am Sonntag”, already at the end of September, the smallest of Tesfamariam had told social workers that Measho had called him. The alleged trafficker was already in Germany. And he was angry because his younger brother had revealed his new cell phone number to the German relatives of the missing passengers. The sixteen year old said he had learned about that boat carrying hundreds of refugees and had disappeared by June and that his brother, a refugee in the Federal Republic, was involved: Measho since has change his mobile number. And the two-hundred families of the missing are abandoned.

Software Translation from Italian

Click Below to Read more about Measho Tesfamariam

 <> Human Trafficker Measho Tesfamariam Accused of Contributing to the Death of 243 Boat Migrants off Libya's where the man is hiding the massacre of refugees dispersedA photo from the Facebook page of Measho Tesfamariam




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