On Yemen, IMF Tells ICP Program Still On, Review Spring 2015

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 14:05:10 +0100

On Yemen, IMF Tells ICP Program Still On, Review Spring 2015

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 14, 2014 -- Six days after sanctions were imposed
on Yemen's former president Saleh and two Houthi leaders, Inner City Press
asked the International Monetary Fund, "does the IMF have any comment or
response to the new government, the imposition of sanctions by the UN
Security Council? What is the status of the IMF's program in Yemen?"

  Later on November 13, IMF Deputy Spokesperson William Murray told Inner
City Press, "Staff is in close dialogue with the authorities, who have
reaffirmed their commitment to implement their IMF-backed economic reform
program. These reforms are essential to boost inclusive growth, reduce
unemployment and poverty, tackle corruption, and enhance fiscal and external
sustainability. The three-year economic program, which was approved on
September 2, 2014, is reviewed every six months. The first review is
therefore planned for the Spring of 2015."

  The authorities, of course, have to some degree kept changing. We'll stay
on this.

The UN Security Council's sanctions committee on November 7 designated for
asset freeze and travel bans former President Saleh and two Houthi leaders,
Abd al-Khaliq al-Huthi and Abdullah Yahya al Hakim. Click here for UNSC
press release. <>

  After that, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon put out a statement welcoming
the new government but not mentioning the sanctions:

The Secretary-General welcomes today's announcement of the formation of the
new Peace and National Partnership Government in Yemen. He congratulates
President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi and Prime Minister-Designate Khaled Bahah
for their leadership during this process. The Secretary-General commends the
parties for their pledge to accept the slate decided on by the President and
Prime Minister, and to extend their unwavering support to the new
government. At this uncertain and fragile time for Yemen, today's
announcement is a positive step towards political stability and peace in the

The Secretary-General reminds the parties of the political commitments they
made in signing the Peace and National Partnership Agreement. Yemen is
facing enormous challenges at present, which can only be overcome if all
sides work together in the greater national interest to implement the
Agreement without delay.

The United Nations looks forward to continuing its engagement with the
President, the Prime Minister, the Government and all Yemenis leaders as
they seek to build a new democratic Yemen that responds to the legitimate
aspirations of its people.

  Back on October 31 the US State Department put out this answer to a
question taken earlier that day:

Question: Do you have any reaction to reports that the Houthis have given
President Hadi 10 days to form a government?

Answer: We have seen the reports that speakers at a Houthi-convened
conference today announced a deadline for President Hadi to form a
government in 10 days. U.S. officials continue to support the efforts of
Yemen's political constituencies, especially President Hadi and Prime
Minister Bahah, in implementing the provisions of the September 21 Peace and
National Partnership Agreement, including the formation of a government.
All Yemenis, including the Houthis, have an important role to play in
working peacefully to form a government that can meet the needs of the
Yemeni people and continue to pursue the key steps of its political

  Back on October 13 after Yemeni Prime Minster designate Ahmed Awadh Bin
Mubarak was vetoed by the Houthis, on October 13 President Hadi appointed
Yemen's current UN Ambassador Khaled Mahfoodh Abdulla Bahah to the position.

 Later on October 13 after a three-hour UN Security Council meeting, brief
"press elements" were read out at the stakeout
<> once again
vaguely threatening sanctions -- Inner City Press' questions including about
secession of the South were not answered -- and welcoming Bahah as prime

He was Minister of Oil and Minerals of Yemen from 2006 until 2008, under Ali
Saleh, including being "the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Yemen
Liquefied Natural Gas Project with investments of over $4 Billion, Chairman
of the Safer Exploration and Production Petroleum Company and, Chairman of
the Yemen General Corporation for Oil and Gas, which includes the Aden
Refinery Company, the Yemen Refinery Company, the Yemen Oil Company, the
Yemen Investment Oil Company, and the Petroleum Training Center."

  That's a whole lot of hydrocarbons. Watch this site.

Received on Fri Nov 14 2014 - 08:05:10 EST

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