"What impresses me most is the way stories are narrated"

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Sun Nov 16 17:38:20 2014

ay-stories-are-narrated> "What impresses me most is the way stories are

Friday, 14 November 2014 02:10 | Written by Yishak Yared | name
is Musie Mehreteab. He was born in 1970 in Asmara. He took his elementary
school eductation at Edaga Arbi Elementary School, junior high school at
Arbaiete Asmara school, and high school at Ibrahim Sultan. He joined Asmara
Teachers Training Institute in 1998 and graduated from there. He was a
member of the 13th batch of national service. He later joined at Asmara
University and graduated with diploma in English language. He is a writer,
film director and translator. He also participates in producing different
works of arts at the carnivals conducted every year during Independence Day

Q:-I know you read different books. What kind of books do you like to read?

My father has been a teacher and my uncle has been a good reader. I have
been very much influenced by them to read books.

Q:-When do you start writing?

When I was grade 9 at Ibrahim Sultan High School I produced a short story
for the radio. And when it was released on the radio program I was too much
motivated to produce more.

Q:-And later?

>From that onwards I convinced myself that I can do more. I started sending
different short stories for the radio. In 2000 I with my brother Dawit we
produced a film titled 'Kilite Gez" (two faces).

Q:-What was the central idea of the film?

It was about challenges people encounter in their life and ways that they
should take to solve their family problems. It was a kind of problem solving
message. My second film has been about HIV/AIDS. That film got good
acceptance by the public.

Q:-You translated a book "The Lion King" to Tigrigna. Why did you select
that book to

An English lady that I met in Asmara sends me the book. And I thought that
book could be good for Eritrean Children. I translated it.

Q:-What feedback did you get from children that read the book?

The book holds different stories that are of inspirational especially to
children and those who read it liked it very much.

Q:-Recently you translated a children's book "Cinderella" into Tigrigna.
Tell us about it.

As I told you my first book "The Lion King" had good acceptance by children.
And this one, since it is for children I thought it would be good for
children to have it and read so I has been convinced to translate it.

Q:-You are also participating in producing different works of art during
Independence Day carnivals.

Yes. For the last five years I have been participating in producing
different works of art for the carnival events in Southern region.

Q:-How do you synchronize your teaching profession with what you are being
engaged in art?

I like the teaching profession. I worked as a teacher for about 20 years. A
teacher produces medical doctors, an engineer, what have you. At the same
time since the profession creates constant engagement with people, the
teacher has an opportunity to learn a great deal about the culture and life
of the people. And that with some kind of creativity helps me produce works
of art especially depicting our way of life.

Q:-What is your future plan?

My future plan is related with producing more books especially related to

Q:-Good Luck!

Thank you!


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Received on Sun Nov 16 2014 - 17:38:20 EST

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