Traffickers turn to teenagers to drive migrant boats across Mediterranean

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Tue Nov 18 17:07:07 2014

Traffickers turn to teenagers to drive migrant boats across Mediterranean

People smugglers in Egypt and Libya are escaping justice by using children
to ferry migrants to Europe, leaving the youngsters to face jail and huge

* Luca Muzi <> in Catania

* Tuesday 18 November 2014 12.16 GMT
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Traffickers in Egypt and Libya are increasingly using children to drive
boats of migrants to Italy. Many of these teenagers are then detained and
imprisoned by the Italian authorities, facing up to 15 years in jail and
fines of hundreds of thousands of euros.

This year, 18 children have been sent to jail in Catania, Sicily, on
trafficking charges. Others are being held in juvenile detention centres in
Agrigento, Palermo, Siracusa and Reggio Calabria. Lawyers in Sicily say more
and more minors are being charged with offences as traffickers attempt to
evade Italian authorities by sending children in their place. ........

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