HIDRI-DALLAS: Eritrean Big Brother Big Sister Program READ & SHARE

From: HIDRI Dallas <hidri.dallas_at_gmail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 21:47:28 -0600

HIDRI Dallas alongside YPFDJ-Dallas is proud to announce the successful
completion of the first round of Eritrean Big Brother Big Sister program.
In the Month of October and part of November, HIDRI Dallas members worked
diligently with Eritrean Big Brother Big Sister mentors and completed both
scholastic aptitude test preparation and career education workshops.
Although we faced hardships such as booking venues to house our SAT
workshops using different venues every week, HIDRI organizers and officers
worked together to book locations as far in advance as possible to solve
this issue and we are happy to say that our program was a success.

In order to simulate test-taking conditions for participants much like the
actual exam, SAT/ACT workshops were held each Saturday from 9:00AM – 2:00PM.
The SAT is a critical component of the college application procedure which
is why much time was invested in ensuring our HIDRI members were provided
with the right tools to perform well because without a strong score on the
SAT, the academic and professional ambitions of an applicant will meet

Each Saturday dedicated HIDRI Dallas members woke up at the crack of dawn
to prepare for a long day of SAT classes. One might be surprised, but there
was a lot of excitement in the room. Students were eager to become more
knowledgeable about college admissions, especially the standardized testing
aspect. HIDRI members took one test a week focusing on critical reading,
math and writing. By the end of the four week session, students showed
considerable improvement and were ready for the national exam.
Eritrean Big Brother Big Sister Program was concluded this past weekend
with the successful completion of Professional Development Workshop. The
workshops were broken out into three different sessions as follows;

   - *College Prep Workshop:* This workshop was geared towards providing
   our HIDRI members with a detailed outlook on how to prepare for college,
   how to apply for college, how to choose the right college and how to pay
   for college.
   - *Financial Planning Workshop: *This workshop provided our HIDRI
   parents some tips on how to save up for their kids’ education, plan for
   retirement and investment techniques.
   - *Career Workshop:* This workshop was aimed at exposing our HIDRI
   members what it takes to land that perfect job. From writing resume, cover
   letter to the way you interview and how you dress.

A Professional panel was also conducted in which professional Eritreans
were invited to share their journey to success. The panel featured
professionals in medicine, criminal justice, engineering, financing and
dentistry. Each presentation inspired HIDRI Dallas members to learn, teach
and most of all, give back to Eritrea. HIDRI Dallas alongside YPFDJ-Dallas
would like to give a big thank you to all BBBS mentors and parents for
making our program possible. We value your continuous support.

As we wrap up our Eritrean BBBS program we are also excited to announce the
launch of our Eritrean Studies Program which will be conducted starting
this month. The Eritrean Studies Program is a program designed to provide
our HIDRI members the basic knowledge on Eritrean topics ranging from,
geography, culture, history, politics and current affairs. The program
includes the study of Eritrea's history (Pre-colonial, colonial,
post-colonial), demography (ethnic groups), culture (traditions), politics,
economy, languages, and religion.

"Building strong, patriotic and conscious youth"
Wetru Awet NHafash !!!
Zelealemawi ZeKri meinti helawiena beja zeHalefu !!!
Visit us at www.hidridallas.org

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Received on Tue Nov 18 2014 - 22:47:30 EST

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