As narrow self-interest-trumps.attention

From: yohannes zeratsion <>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 12:19:32 +0100
I would like to give my opinion on the article under reference contributed by Richard Dowden.
My opinion on his article goes like this. I would say there are a lot of people like Richard Dowden who simply write unfounded stories, either of a shallow understanding of the politics going on in our world, mainly dominated by American hegemony or who try to deceive those who would not understand their ulterior motives.
I am certain this person knows my great country Eritrea only from western medias or America's lies and cheap foreign policy. If he had set foot in Eritrea, one would say he has seen the country and an opinion he gives afterwards would be accepted or criticized. As I said, this person never visited my country. He repeats American propaganda, calling dictators and what the West done in Libya and many American unfounded and unjustified intervention, as justified. Where is Libya today and how was Libya under Moammer Gaddafi's rule. What did the Libyan people get from the total destruction of their ones secure and flourishing country. Gadaffi freed Libya from the stooges of western countries, by toppling the king, a king like those today in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan an the others. Who defends and protects these Kingdoms today, is for every one to see.
Richard Dowden. does not know anything about my country, more than I know. I know my gallant President more than anything he knows. We Eritreans know better than anybody else, what is good and what is bad for our country. With the exception of the few corrupt-selfish-traitors-western recruits of eritrean descent, the bulk of Eritrean People are fully behind their government. As I said, nobody knows what Eritrea needs more than its own people.
Richard Dowden, instead should condemned America and its puppet government Ethiopia, which is still occupying our territory, 14 years after international verdict, which was final und binding. We Eritreans know all the pitfalls America puts before us. The only thing we don't have is the power to confront America. Richard Dowden knows very well America's intention against Eritrea. They lure Eritrean youth to flee their country and robe its man power, so that Ethiopia will invade and seize Eritrea. President Barack Obama has officially told the whole world, I quote, "We are working with our Partners in Eritrea, the Raschaidas and other Partners in the country, to free the people, Eritrea is holding besieged." But this dream of America and its client Ethiopia will never come true. By now America should know that five million Eritreans are soldiers and they will defend their country fiercely. Richard Dowden should know, President  Isaya Afeworki is a hero of all Eritrean People. His peopkle adorn him and love him. Tell me one President of a country, who could freely walk around the country, in the city without any one to guard him. Would a dictator do that? For me America is the dictator. It preaches Democracy that it does not practice on its own people. Today, everyone knows what America preach and practice. For me there is no President like my President in the dedication and love to his country and people, in the world. Richard Dowden should better tell America and its client Ethiopia and the west to evcuate our territory. Tell a solution instead of hiding facts.
Yohannes Zeratsion
FFM Germany
Received on Wed Nov 19 2014 - 06:19:36 EST

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