Ermias Legesse spills the beans

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Thu Nov 20 15:34:22 2014

Ermias Legesse spills the beans


. 400-page book published in the United
States by
blishing%20Agency> Netsanet Publishing Agency (NPA) in the Amharic language
on the controversial legacy of
i> Meles Zenawi and the
is a hot topic in Addis Ababa. Entitled "The Gifts of Meles- A city without
an owner", it has been banned from public sale. Copies can nevertheless be
had on computer memory sticks, selling illicitly for up to 1000 birr (about
$49). It contains a critical account of the regime that pulls no punches
written by an insider:
sse> Ermias Legesse, a former Secretary of State at the ministry for
communication and government spokesman. This former member of the EPRDF
executive committee served in government for a dozen years until he defected
in 2009 and took refuge in the United States. An English translation of his
book is due to be published soon. It details the EPRDF's strategies and
manoeuvres to prevent the opposition from winning the 2005 election, to
place its men at the head of the
urch> Orthodox Church (EOC) and to divest Oromosof their land in the Addis
Ababa region, distributing them to State-owned firms or Tigrayan investors.
It portrays the late Meles Zenawi as scheming, fearful and manipulating and
brings the reader up to date on the mean tricks his wife
> Azeb Mesfin played against her political rivals within the coalition.


Received on Thu Nov 20 2014 - 15:34:22 EST

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