Ambassador Petros presents credentials to President Vladimir Putin

From: Dimtzi Eritrawian Kab German <>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 23:29:38 +0100

Ambassador Petros presents credentials to President Vladimir Putin

Asmara, 21 November 2014 – Mr. Petros Tsegai who has been appointed
Eritrea’s Ambassador to the Russian Federation, has presented his
credentials to President Vladimir Putin.

During the presentation ceremony in the Kremlin, the Ambassador conveyed
President Isaias Afwerki’s greetings and message of goodwill to President
Putin and the Russian people, and asserted readiness to strive for
enhancing the prevailing ties between the two countries in a spirit of

The Russian leader on his part noted that Eritrean and his country share
similar views as regards regional and international issues. He further
voiced Russia’s readiness to strengthen the existing relations in trade and
economic domains.

Moreover, President Putin wished Ambassador Petros successful tour of duty.

[image: Inline-Bild 1]

Eritrean Ambassador Petros presents credentials to President Vladimir Putin

Eritrean Television by Eri-TV News
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Received on Fri Nov 21 2014 - 17:29:39 EST

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