CyberAdal أدال الفضائية | Looking forward, in-depth and Vigilance ! ننظُر للإمام ، بِعُمق ويقظة

From: Ibrahim Idris Suliman <>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 18:05:04 -0700

Rep. *Rohrabacher’s** comments raise serious questions about any possible
US mediation role between Egypt and Ethiopia. What is further striking is
his acknowledgement of the US’ utter failure in mediating the *
*Ethiopia-Eritrea** 1998-2000 war. Not only were the US’ actions wrong
ethically, they proved to be great strategic blunders, since they led to
more tension and conflict. Ethiopia has continued to occupy swathes of
sovereign **Eritrean** territory, in direct violation of international law,
and in blatant contravention of the rulings of the Permanent Court of
Arbitration’s **Eritrea-Ethiopia** Boundary Commission.[**iii**] Moreover,
the US’ harmful role was further compounded when Ethiopia – supported by
the US – invaded Somalia in 2006, leading to a sharp rise in terror and
insecurity in the region.*

” For over a decade, Eritrea has been the scapegoat for the ills of the
Horn of Africa – sanctioned, characterized as intransigent, and bearing the
brunt of the blame for the region’s instability, conflicts, and tensions.
In direct contrast, Ethiopia has been held up as a strong US and western
partner, receiving millions of dollars in aid. In 2011, it was the world’s
fifth largest recipient of official humanitarian aid and received $3.6B in
total assistance,[iv] representing between 50-60 percent of its total
budget.[v] Additionally, Ethiopia’s 2011 share of total official
development assistance – approximately 4 percent – placed it behind only

Ibrahim I. Suliman
Received on Sat Nov 22 2014 - 20:05:06 EST

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