Somaliland safe haven of Al-shabab

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Sun Nov 23 06:56:11 2014

Somaliland safe haven of Al-shabab


Is this group acting on behalf of the United Nations? Are their actions and
reports intended to truly correct the so called mistakes done by persons
co-operating with the present regime in Somalia?

It is far from logic and practically unacceptable that the President and his
advisers are diverting arms to Al-Shabab. and the person accused for high
treason is a self-made man of certain reputation as a businessman who never
dealt with arms.since it is not his line of business as this kind of
business needs military background or at least considerable knowledge of
this market which is more profitable nowadays than the petrol. What makes
this assertion baseless is that Musa Ganjab is not one of the President's
men but he shares with him same sub-clan, is that considered a crime?!!. If
Jarat Chopra is not cheap quality and an unreliable person, who is heading a
group of highly corrupted spoilers, he would have seen what everybody is
witnessing that Ethiopia is the main supplier of arms to Al-Shabab.

But since the group have only eye, focused on Somali government for a
particular reason, they cannot see what's happening in Somaliland where the
Shabab fugitives are enjoying protection and safe haven. Hence after their
protector Ethiopia secured safe passage to Berbera by sea from Barawe and
Adale and through Ethiopian occupied Somali territories to
detailed in the article SOMALILAND: SAFE HAVEN OF AL-SHABAB!!!.

Can anyone guess the real intention and the timing behind these baseless
accusations? It is the campaign embraced by the Somali authority whom
recently started negotiations with oil exploration companies. This will
enhance the international conspiracy that involves many powerful countries,
especially in the Gulf, who feel threatened by exploration of petrol in
Somalia. They will use all available means to disrupt this process that
might endanger their underground petroleum reserve as predicted by the

Mr.Chopra and partners are not aware that al-Shabab will never disclose
their highly complicated and confidential sources of their finance nor they
make contacts whatsoever with their supporters so that not to compromise
their identity. The only evidence that incriminate Ganjab is a dubious
email message of some years back which cannot be presented as tangible
evidence of involvement on Shabab's business. Can the so-called Monitoring
Group give an acceptable answer why Musa Ganjab has to assist al-Shabab?
What wpuld be his expectation or get from Shabab in exchange?

For your information Shabab does not need any ambulance or other kind of
vehicles from anyone since they are driving the latest models of Toyota
pick-ups mounted with heavy machineguns. Is mr. Chopra ever asked himself
from where they are getting the considerably high cost of the war their
warlike militia are conducting in many parts of Somalia?

What makes the Groups' report unsustainable is their assertion that
President Hassan Sheikh is "diverting" arms to Shabab so they can kill him
and his family along with the his bodyguards. This kind of investigation and
reporting makes the Monitoring Group along with their employer United
Nations unreliable!!!

This man have reached the highest position of his country as President,
position that many of his critics tremendously failed to do any
intelligent person think that he will one day join al-Shabab after he
realized the dream of every Somali to become President.

The so called International community and the United Nations are not ready
to help Somalia to become a stable country since they are calling us a
failed state. Are they seriously thinking to assist Somalia become
acceptable according to their foreseen future plan which is solely intended
to keep us perpetuate as failed state under the indirect occupation of
IGAD/AMISOM!!. They will never recognize our sovereignty and the right to
rule ourselves. We are not free to select our friends or who can be our
reliable ally.

We cannot plan our future development programs. We do hereby ask the Somali
government, if any, to ask the Security Council not to appoint or renew
assignment to any member of current Monitoring Group in future tasks because
of their lack of credibility in all over the globe. We are ready to prove,
if needed, that Ethiopia is the main supporter and supplier of arms along
with other military materials to al-Shabab in the region.

Strange enough the American assertion that Shabab will carry an attack in
Ethiopia is misinformation intended to cover the Ethiopian involvement of
the Somali desolation. We will call our people to wake-up from this long
lethargy, look and closely follow this rapid developing events that will
badly harm, in the long run, our stability as an independent nation.

Ahmed Alasso

Posted on <>
November 8, 2014
Received on Sun Nov 23 2014 - 06:56:11 EST

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