S. Sudan's Kiir risks deposition by inner circles, defectors warn

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Sun Nov 23 07:17:14 2014

S. Sudan's Kiir risks deposition by inner circles, defectors warn


November 23, 2014 (ADDIS ABABA) - A senior South Sudanese official who
declared on Friday his defection to the rebel movement led by former
vice-president, Riek Machar, has warned that president Salva Kiir risked
being deposed by his inner circles unless he quickly moved to conclude a
peace agreement with the opposition group.

A former envoy to the United Nations, Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping called on
Kiir to humbly step down in order to save his legacy or risk being
forcefully deposed and remembered as the first president of independent
South Sudan "who led his country to destruction".

Lumumba who hails from Lakes state and previously represented Cueibet county
as a member of the National Liberation Council (NLC) for the ruling Sudan
Peoples' Liberation Movement (SPLM) directly appealed to president Kiir to
make a choice.

"Your legacy will come to naught. History will remember and record you in
its annals as the first liberation struggle leader who charted the way to
independence and delivered destruction to his people and country," said
Lumumba in a statement he extended to Sudan Tribune on Saturday.

"Don't be misled by sycophants. Do the right thing for Christ sake: embrace
change, reform and embrace the hopes of our people or quit. You live in a
circle-snake pit. Don't let them hold guns to your head. If you do not bring
a just peace, before history judge you, they will depose you. And the
fighting and struggle will continue," he further warned.

According to Lumumba, a genuinely agreed upon power sharing arrangement will
amicably resolve the 11-month old conflict between South Sudan's rival

"The proposed interim administration will allow the executive branch of the
government to execute its mandate under the watchful eye of an empowered
parliament," he said.

"It will rid us of any authoritarianism and or type of democracies that
enable the corrupt fat cats of our country from dominating absolutely the
politics of South Sudan and thus creating massive inequalities and
injustices that will lead ultimately to systemic failure of our country,"
added Lumumba.

The former diplomat said there was need to adopt a federal system of
governance in the country and introduce overhauling reforms in a "federal

He also accused president Kiir's government of allegedly giving away the
sovereignty of the country to foreign elements.

"Our government has chosen to give away our national sovereignty and
territory, as demonstrated by Mile-14 and the presence of foreign troops and
military advisors to maintain-in-power a regime as politically and morally
bankrupt as never witnessed in the region," said Lumumba.

"South Sudan is being reduced into an animal farm where free and open
participation of our citizens in the public of their country is absolutely
denied, where minds are being closed, where wisdom and morals are thrown
into the bins," he further lamented.

The former diplomat along with Henry Dillah Odwar, a former lawmaker from
Eastern Equatoria state, officially declared on Friday their defection to
the SPLA-in-opposition, a day after meeting rebel leader Riek Machar in
Addis Ababa. Odwar is a member of the SPLM.


Meanwhile, Odwar slammed the South Sudanese leader over what he
characterised as lack of vision and clear direction, calling upon the latter
to peacefully step down.

"I have joined the opposition to demand for president Salva Kiir to step
down. As you are all aware president Kiir has been in power since after the
demise of Dr. John Garang de Mabior," he told reporters on Friday, adding
that president Kiir's "recklessness has ended South Sudan in the abyss."

The former lawmaker also questioned Kiir's morality and conscience as head
of the nation, further accusing the latter of alleged engagement in
corruption practices.

The South Sudanese conflict broke out last year following a dispute between
members of the presidential guards in Juba and has, despite a ceasefire
agreement, killed thousands of people and forced nearly two million
civilians to flee from their homes.

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The South Sudanese government under the leadership of president Salva Kiir
has been battling to contain an armed rebellion in the country since
December 2013 (Photo Reuters/Tiksa Negeri)


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Received on Sun Nov 23 2014 - 07:17:14 EST

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