(AI) UN vote boosts support for a global moratorium on the death penalty

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:02:19 -0500

"New votes in favour came from Eritrea, Fiji, Niger and Suriname. As a
further positive sign, Bahrain, Myanmar and Uganda moved from opposition to
abstention. Regrettably, Papua New Guinea went from abstention to a vote
against the resolution"

NOVEMBER 22, 2014
UN vote boosts support for a global moratorium on the death penalty

The vast majority of the world’s countries today threw their weight behind
a UN General Assembly resolution to establish a moratorium on executions
with a view to abolishing the death penalty globally, Amnesty International

114 of the UN’s 193 member states today voted in favour of the resolution
which will go before the General Assembly Plenary for final adoption in

“Today’s vote confirms that more and more countries around the world are
coming around to the fact that the death penalty is a human rights
violation and must end. It is also a clear message to the minority of
states that still execute – you are on the wrong side of history,” said
Chiara Sangiorgio, Death Penalty expert at Amnesty International.

Since 2007 there have been four resolutions calling for a worldwide
moratorium on the death penalty, with support increasing each time.
Overall, the votes in favour of this resolution increased by three since
the last time a similar vote took place in 2012.

114 states voted in favour, 36 voted against and 34 abstained compared to
111 votes in favour, 41 against and 34 abstentions in December 2012. The
draft resolution was co-sponsored by 94 UN Member States from all regions
of the world, the highest number yet.

New votes in favour came from Eritrea, Fiji, Niger and Suriname. As a
further positive sign, Bahrain, Myanmar and Uganda moved from opposition to
abstention. Regrettably, Papua New Guinea went from abstention to a vote
against the resolution.

Today’s vote in the UNGA’s Third Committee, which addresses social,
humanitarian and human rights issues, is an important indicator for the
main vote on the resolution in the General Assembly Plenary next month,
when the resolution is expected to be endorsed. Although not legally
binding, UN General Assembly resolutions carry considerable moral and
political weight.

“Governments around the world should seize the opportunity of today’s vote
to renew their dialogue to make this moratorium call a reality – we hope we
will see even stronger support come the final vote in December,” said


Amnesty International urges all UN Member States to support the resolution
when it comes for adoption at the plenary session. Those countries still
retaining the death penalty should immediately establish a moratorium on
executions as a first step towards full abolition.


When the UN was founded in 1945 only eight of the then 51 UN Member States
had abolished the death penalty. Today, 95 Member States have abolished the
death penalty for all crimes, and in total 137 out of the 193 have
abolished the death penalty in law or practice.

The adoption of these ground-breaking resolutions on a moratorium on the
use of the death penalty since 2007 has generated momentum to renew the
commitment to the abolition of the death penalty.

Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases without
exception, regardless of the nature or circumstances of the crime; guilt,
innocence or other characteristics of the individual; or the method used by
the state to carry out the execution.
Received on Sun Nov 23 2014 - 08:03:00 EST

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