On Iran, As Reuters Brags Sanctions Will Remain, Omitted Eritrea Link

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Mon Nov 24 11:55:45 2014

On Iran, As Reuters Brags Sanctions Will Remain, Omitted Eritrea Link

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, November 23, 2014 -- As the Iran P5+1 talks continue on the
eve of the current deadline, who is bragging about having predicted their
failure? Western wire service Reuters, crowing that "Other media now coming
around to _at_reuters consistent reporting on how final Iran atomic deal

 While false exclusives have proliferated at Reuters under Stephen J. Adler,
there a second, separate trend at work here.

  On another UN sanctions regime, Somalia and Eritrea, even when former
Reuters reporter turned sanctions monitor Dinesh Mahtani was forced to
resign for having championed a new leader
<> for the country
he was supposed to monitor, Reuters entirely omitted his removal
<> from its claimed
exclusives on the sanctions report.

  Some of this goes beyond a desire, compensated
<> by editor Adler,
to claim exclusives even where not merited (including by adopted a policy of
not crediting others' exclusives
<> ). At the UN,
Reuters has gone so far as to try to censor and remove from Google's Search
<> as "copyrighted"
copies of Reuters complaints against other media filed with the UN, click
here for that <> .

 At what point does this become more (or less) that journalism? What about
"other media now coming around to _at_reuters consistent" refusal to credit
smaller media, attempts to get them kicked out, then censoring the Internet?
We'll have more on this.

  Back on October 27 when the UN's special rapporteur on human rights in
Iran Ahmed Shaheed held a press conference at the UN, Inner City Press asked
him for an update on what he had said about the effect of sanctions and
banning of Iran from the SWIFT payments system which Inner City Press asked
him about one year and three days earlier, 2013 here
e/2766641661001/> from Minute 12:29.

  On October 24, 2013, Shaheed had acknowledged that the banning of Iran
from the SWIFT payments system had had an impact. On October 27, 2014,
Shaheed said he believes Iran is still banned from SWIFT, but he had no
update. Instead he said that humanitarian exemptions to sanctions are having
successes. 2014 video here. <>

 But banning from SWIFT or "de-SWIFT-ing" is not a targeted sanction at all,
and he did not mention any exemptions to it.

   Overall, Inner City Press asked Shaheed what impact he thought "the
nuclear issue" and the P5 + 1 talks have on human rights in Iran. Shaheed
said he doesn't like linkage, but added that when there's focus on the
nuclear issue, it takes away from the focus on human rights.

  Last year Inner City Press obtained and exclusively published an internal
OHCHR plan to take over the
<> "rule of law" functions
of the rest of the UN system, and the staffing of the Special
Representatives on Children and Armed Conflict, Sexual Violence and
Conflict, R2P and the Prevention of Genocide.What has happened on that? Are
rapporteurs, like sanctions monitors, still not given any training or
orientation by the UN?

Footnote: on October 27, the UN Correspondents Association which so often
demands the first question be set-aside for it didn't even send anyone to
Shaheed's press conference. One attendee said, it's defUNCA-ed, as in
defunct, or de-UNCA-ed, like de-SWIFT-ed. The new Free UN Coalition for
Access, present, did not try to brand the press conference, because there
was no need. Watch this site.

Received on Mon Nov 24 2014 - 11:55:45 EST

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