Eritrea-Drivers and Root Causes of Emigration, National Service and the Possibility of Return (Must read!)

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Wed Nov 26 13:00:20 2014

Eritrea-Drivers and Root Causes of Emigration, National Service and the
Possibility of Return



· Country of Origin Information for Use in the Asylum Determination

· Report from the Danish Immigration Service’s fact finding missions to
Ethiopia and Eritrea


August and October 2014


Copenhagen, November 2014

Danish Immigration Service

Ryesgade 53

2100 Copenhagen Ø

Phone: 00 45 35 36 66 00

Web: www.newtodenmark.dkE




1. Background and methodology

1.1 Purpose of mission

1.2 Methodology

2. Brief country Introduction

2.1 Freedom of movement

2.2 Observations by the delegation

3. Drivers and root causes of emigration from Eritrea

4. National Service

4.1 Background

4.2 Transition from school to National Service: Sawa

4.3 After Sawa: Content of the National Service

4.4 Duration of service

4.5 Salaries

4.6 People’s Militia/Army

4.7 Round ups of National Service draft evaders

4.8 Consequences for evasion/desertion from the National Service

4.8.1 Reprisals against family members

5. Return to Eritrea

5.1. Regularizing relationship with the government before returning to

5.2. Possible Penalties for illegal exit for individuals who return to

5.2.1. Are National Service evaders or deserters seen as traitors and
political opponents by the government

5.3. Examples of returns

5.4. Recent developments

Annex A –Sources consulted


Read it in PDF attachment fully below:

Berhane Habtemariam


Received on Wed Nov 26 2014 - 13:00:20 EST

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