Tesfanews.net: From Liberation to Governance: The Eritrean Experience

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed Nov 26 17:49:51 2014

nce/> From Liberation to Governance: The Eritrean Experience

Posted on 26 November 2014.

This presentation was delivered by Yemane Ghebremeskel, Director, Office of
the President of Eritrea, and is intended to elaborate and highlight
Eritrea's views and perspectives on the putative controversies or
conjectures that surround the central theme of the workshop, "From
Liberation Movements to Government - Past legacies and the challenges of
transition in Africa" jointly organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, in
cooperation with the South African think-tank, the Brenthurst Foundation in
2012. In light of the many narratives presented about Eritrea, its people
and government by Ethiopia and its surrogates in the Eritrean Quislings
League (EQL), some western anthropologists, NGO networks and the media, on
the issue of governance and liberation movements, it is this author's
opinion that we ought to defer to those with first hand knowledge and

Yemane Ghebremeskel,

ONE vexing question that we have to address at the outset is whether
standardized benchmarks and templates can be employed to assess and
synthesize the individual experiences and perspectives so as to infer or
formulate a generalized, even if approximated, theory.

I personally believe that the distinct historical and societal realities
under which the various liberation movements were conceived and had to
operate; the profound variations in the depth, maturity and relevance of the
philosophical precepts that they espoused; the disparate dynamics of their
internal political landscapes; as well as the specific and at times epochal
external environments that influenced their trajectories both during and
after liberation render the formulation of any generalized, approximated,
theory an elusive task indeed. .......

Read it in PDF attachment below:



Received on Wed Nov 26 2014 - 17:49:51 EST

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