The Holiday Season unforgettable memory in every child’s mind “Weledo" Publications”..ኣዳል ድምጺ ኤርትራወያን..

From: Aklilu Abraham <>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 15:15:51 +0000

Holidays are fun times. They leave an unforgettable memory in every
child’s mind for the rest of their lives. During the coming holiday school
break, children will spend longer times with family and anything that
happens at home, always tend to be reinforced more during those times than
during the school dash periods.

Tigrinya speaking families can use such occasion to bolster their child’s
mother tongue related skill areas. These could be in such areas as alphabet
recognition, reading and writing skills, listening skills and comprehension
skills. Thanks to a wealth of varied and innovative products, that are
uniquely developed by Weledo Publications for home and community learning
of the Tigrinya language, parents can now easily integrate learning and
play to achieve those objectives.......

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Received on Thu Nov 27 2014 - 10:15:53 EST

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