99.9% of Eritreans who leave their country are economic migrants: Western Diplomats in Asmara

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Thu Nov 27 16:52:37 2014

 <> 99.9%
of Eritreans who leave their country are economic migrants: Western
Diplomats in Asmara




A report from the Danish Immigration Service's fact finding missions to
Ethiopia and Eritrea reveals that 99.9% of Eritreans who leave their country
do so for economic reasons.

The Danish mission points to the large Eritrean Diaspora coupled with the
preferential treatment of Eritrean asylum applicants in the West as major
pull factors that cause young Eritreans to leave their country.

Moreover, unnamed Western embassy officials and a UN agency in the country
informed the mission that "hardly anyone leaves Eritrea for political

The report also states "There are no mass violations of human rights in
Eritrea", and compared the human rights situation and poverty levels in the
country as being "no worse than in most other African countries".


The following excerpt was taking from
0/EritreareportEndeligversion.pdf> page 41 of their report:


According to a Western embassy (B), approximately 50% of all extended
families in Eritrea have a family member living abroad. Going abroad has
been a tradition since at least World War II. Thus, a well established
network between the Diaspora and families in Eritrea has been in operation
since then. The two percent income tax levied on members of the Diaspora is
considered a 'rehabilitation tax' by the government intended to help
financing the rebuilding of the country. It should be remembered that other
countries charge their citizen fees for issuance documents such as passports
as well.

Emigration patterns

Since 2013 there has been an increase in the numbers of Eritreans leaving
Eritrea. The major cause for this is the so-called Mare Nostrum, i.e. the
Italian navy's operations where asylum seekers are being picked up in the
Mediterranean Sea and transported to Italy safely. Thus, it has become much
easier and safer for asylum seekers to cross the Mediterranean and get to
Italy, many of whom are Eritrean nationals. The biggest risk to their lives
is the way through Ethiopia, Sudan and Libya. In addition to that close to
100% of all Eritreans are granted asylum in Europe.

According to a Western embassy (B), 99.9% of all Eritrean asylum seekers in
Europe are economic refugees. The extended families, which may comprise 50
persons, merge their savings in order for them to send a bright young
relative, usually a man, to Europe. It is an investment and it is expected
that the young man will send remittances back to his family in Eritrea. As
long as the family knows that he will be granted asylum, they will not
hesitate to send him off. But if the outcome was not given, the family would
think twice before they send the young man to Europe. It was emphasized that
the human rights situation in Eritrea is no worse than in most other African
countries and poverty in Eritrea is not worse than in other African
countries. There are no mass violations of human rights in Eritrea, and
European countries do not grant protection to everyone from Guinea, the
Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic or Egypt. In this
respect, it could be argued that the Eritrean government has a point when it
states that Eritrean asylum applicants received preferential treatment in

Commenting on Norway's recent policy towards Eritrean asylum seekers, the
Western embassy (B) stated that the Norwegian announcement of a possible
return agreement with Eritrea had a huge psychological effect and it
effectively drove down the number of Eritrean asylum seekers in Norway. That
happened despite the fact that no one has been deported from Norway and
despite the fact that though Eritrea accepts voluntary returns, especially
when the returnees are given some money, it does not accept forced returns.
It was added that Eritrea will not give assurances regarding human rights
and it will not allow European countries to monitor unsuccessful asylum
seekers who have been returned to Eritrea.


Received on Thu Nov 27 2014 - 16:52:37 EST

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