Is the Force Intervention Brigade neutral?

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Thu Nov 27 17:07:52 2014

Is the Force Intervention Brigade neutral?

27 November 2014

To say violence is endemic in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
would be a cliché. It is a graveyard not only of hundreds of thousands,
probably millions, of people, mostly civilians, killed in the violence which
has plagued the region since the Rwanda genocide of 1994 overflowed that
neighbouring country’s border. It also appears to be a graveyard of hope.

A year ago hope seemed to be reviving. The Force Intervention Brigade (FIB)
component of the UN peacekeeping mission MONUSCO provided the Congolese
government army (FARDC) with enough firepower to defeat the Rwanda-backed
M23 rebels and drive them out of the territory. The South African National
Defence Force (SANDF) battalion in the FIB, with its Rooivalk attack
helicopters, played a vital role in that rare military success for the UN in
the DRC.

After the M23 captured the North Kivu provincial capital of Goma in November
2012 – while MONUSCO troops stood by – the UN Security Council in March 2013
passed Resolution 2098, establishing the FIB as the first UN-led overtly
offensive force. Though administratively part of MONUSCO, it was given its
own unique mandate to take the initiative and ‘neutralise’ the M23 and two
other foreign armed groups terrorising this area: the FDLR and the Allied
Democratic Forces (ADF).

With the FARDC, the FIB began operations against the M23 in August 2013 and
defeated it by November. The next target was supposed to have been the FDLR
– the French acronym for the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda,
originally established by ethnic Hutus who fled Rwanda after participating
in the genocide of the Tutsi population.

The FDLR have been present in eastern DRC for the last 20 years, and
provided the Rwandan government with a reason – or pretext – for invading
eastern DRC several times, and so has been one of the most destabilising
factors in the area.

Earlier this year, faced with the threat of concerted military action
against it, the FDLR announced plans to voluntarily disarm. But by May, the
deadline for that process came and went, with only a handful of surrenders.
In July the member states of the Southern African Development Community
(SADC) and the International Conference for the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR)
gave the FDLR another six months to implement its agreement to surrender, or
face military action. This has placed MONUSCO in a difficult position.

The FDLR has been largely dragging its feet. Some of its less-able bodied
fighters have participated in the UN-led disarmament, demobilisation,
repatriation and rehabilitation for foreign fighters and returned to Rwanda.
This week about 90 of those fighters moved, as agreed, from a transit camp
in the east to a more substantial camp in Kisangani much further to the west
in the province Orientale. This appeared to be a largely ceremonial gesture
to demonstrate the extraction of the FDLR fighters from the war zone.

The cynical but widespread interpretation of the FDLR’s motives is that they
are only trying to forestall military attack by the FIB and FARDC. Most of
their fighters and weapons remain at large but this small gesture may be
taken by the UN and DRC as a sign of sufficient progress.

Meanwhile other killers have been busy. Over the last two months about 200
civilians, including women and children, have been killed in Beni territory,
north of Goma in North Kivu province. The ADF, an armed group originating in
Uganda, has been blamed, though it is not quite clear if all the attacks,
including reported beheadings, mutilations and rape, can be attributed to
them. Like the M23 and the FDLR, the ADF are on the list of foreign armed
groups targeted by the FIB. Joint operations were planned for early 2014.
Surprisingly the FARDC then launched a unilateral operation – Operation
Sukola – against the ADF in January this year, claiming victory just a few
months ago.

In recent weeks an angry local population has attacked MONUSCO bases in the
area for failing to come to its defence. This week MONUSCO military
spokesperson Colonel Felix-Prosper Basse strongly denied that MONUSCO had
failed the people of Beni, insisting that, ‘We are putting all our efforts
together in order to neutralise these people.’ He recalled that when the ADF
attacked the FARDC position at Kamango on 25 December 2013, MONUSCO
intervened with an attack helicopter to drive the ADF out of Kamango.

The overriding impression one gains from talking to non-government people in
the region is that the FIB has not done very much for nearly a year.

This is unfortunately reinforcing the suspicion that the FIB was largely
created at the instigation of SADC to help its fellow-SADC member state,
DRC, defeat the M23, which was backed by its enemy Rwanda. There is a sense
that the FIB thinks that its mission is now accomplished.

Basse denied that MONUSCO and the FIB were reluctant to go after the FDLR,
insisting they would do so it if failed to give up by the 2 January
deadline. But whether the FIB itself is impartial and neutral is the growing
question. Ironically, the concerns about the FIB’s current relative dormancy
come at a time when the legality and impartiality of its aggressive mandate
are being questioned.

The International Peace Institute (IPI) has just published a report which
argues that by giving the FIB a uniquely-offensive mandate, the UN Security
Council inadvertently made not just the FIB but MONUSCO as a whole, a party
to the armed conflict. ‘As the UN is now a party, all military members of
MONUSCO will have lost the protections afforded to them under international
law … and therefore no longer enjoy legal protection from attacks.’

This could discourage countries from contributing troops to MONUSCO. The
authors of the IPI report also worry that the FIB could undercut the
existing mandates of MONUSCO and other UN missions to protect civilians.
They argue that MONUSCO already had a robust mandate to protect civilians
before the FIB was created and suggest that it was more the lack of
political will and capacity than the weakness of its mandate, that had
prevented MONUSCO acting more aggressively.

Presumably this is a reference to the widespread belief that several
countries which have contributed large contingents to MONUSCO have given
their soldiers standing orders not to endanger themselves.

The IPI report also contends that in a situation where Congolese government
forces ‘are responsible and largely unaccountable for serious violations of
human rights and international humanitarian law, the [Force] Intervention
Brigade’s offensive mandate to “neutralize” the non-state armed groups and
its relative silence on the FARDC stretches the concept of impartiality.’

As a key actor – perhaps the key actor – in the FIB, South Africa bears a
special responsibility to remedy these faults. The FIB’s mandate is now a
fait accompli and it is perhaps understandable why SADC insisted on it,
given MONUSCO’s weakness. But it is still possible for the FIB to prove its
impartiality by going after the FDLR as aggressively as it pursued the M23.

South Africa, incidentally, could also use some of its leverage through the
FIB to discourage Congolese President Joseph Kabila from changing the
constitution so he can stand for a third term in 2016, as he is widely
suspected to be contemplating.

The Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework agreement signed by the DRC
and other countries in the region in March 2013 also imposed many conditions
on the Congolese government, notably that it should re-establish its
authority in eastern DRC and take further measures to entrench democracy in
the country. Kabila clinging to power would not serve that end.

Peter Fabricius, Foreign Editor, Independent Newspapers, South Africa

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Received on Thu Nov 27 2014 - 17:07:52 EST

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