"I am very much satisfied with what I do"

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Sat Nov 29 06:26:51 2014

hat-i-do> "I am very much satisfied with what I do"

Written by Yishak Yared


Friday, 28 November 2014 02:40 |

Articles <> - Q
<> & A is an
electrician, mechanic, mason, expert in steel and wood works, and many
others. He puts himself in everything. He never says I could not do it. He
our guest for today.

Q:-Could you please introduce us with yourself?

My name is Berhane Solomon Yewbio. I was born in 1957 in Asmara,
Geza-Kenisha. I took my elementary education up to grade five at Geza-Kenish
and Adulis schools. I quit my education and started working as a machinist
at my aunt's weaving factory. Then after I went to Ethiopia and continued my
education there.

Q:-Then after?

Again I stopped my education and started working.

Q:-What kind of work?

It was with a Korean company as technician in one of its agricultural
complexes. That was there that I developed my experience with different
skills as a mechanic of heavy agricultural machineries and electrician as
well as building.

Q:-How long did you work there?

I worked for about 18 years.

Q:-How did you find it working with Koreans?

They are workaholic. They are completely different while working and
entertain themselves.

Q:-Where did you go after that?

I was deported from Ethiopia during the TPLF's aggression on Eritrea. And I
went directly to Sawa for my military training. Upon completion my military
training I took further training as a personnel and operator. Then I was
assigned as a driver at the Defense Ministry.

Q:-How do you manage to do different things at the same time?

Some the activities I do have similarity and it is easy. For example, when
you do construction activities there is electricity line to install, there
is wood work and steel. So these have similarity since they are done in the
same place each at a time. And that is easy to do.

Q:-You are always at work, when do you get rest?

I am always at work, even on Sundays. Why do I need time off? I love to

Q:-Since you are always at work, what is one day for you?

It passes without I noticing it. Anyone who uses his/her time effectively
could produce a lot.

Q:-When do you rest?

You should identify what rest means. Is it mental rest or physical rest? I
could get rest on special occasions but still I am mentally at work. I think
about the neat job awaiting me.

Q:-What feedback do you have from your customers?

I am very much proud by the feedback I receive from my customers. In fact
more than the money they pay me.

Q:-How do you manage your social obligations?

That's one problem I have. Because of work load I don't frequent to join
social activities. There some social occasions being conducted on working
days. How could I stop my work to join in that ceremony?

Q:-How do you see to have different professions?

It has an advantage. Equally with that you get more income and improve your
livelihood. You would have guarantee in your life.

Q:-Are you married?

Yes, I am also a father of two children.

Q:-Thank you very much!

Thank you too!


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Received on Sat Nov 29 2014 - 06:26:51 EST

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