Europeans Would Develop Africa Faster Than Africans
By: <> Mawuna Remarque KOUTONIN
Sunday, September 21st, 2014 at 5:52 pm.
During the colonial period, when asked why they were going to Africa, the
missionaries and colonialists would reply 'to bring civilization to the
Africans and develop the continent to be and look like Europe'.
Nowadays when you ask African leaders and officials what is their mission
and purpose, they would reply 'to develop Africa, which means to make the
continent to look and be like Europe.'
If the purpose of the colonialists and the African leaders are the same, I
don't understand why we are fighting for decolonization?
If the purpose of all those is to make Africa to be and look like Europe,
please let's me tell you that I think Europeans are more qualified to do the
job than Africans. It's their model.
I don't see the case for decolonization if it just comes to the skin color
of our leaders. I don't care about skin color here.
Why should we have to train Africans to copy European model then come back
to try to implement it. I prefer the original to the copy.
Let's put Europeans in charge of Africa development, it'll go faster.
There is a catch. (Hint: Africa renaissance versus Africa development).
The purpose of my post is to start a much needed debate about what we
Africans want, and how to get it done.
I don't have any blueprint or library of solutions to share.
I'm just saddened by the fact that our leaders think the only think we could
bring to the world is our skin color.
Where is our vision of the world and our place in it?
Where is African spirituality in our model? Where are our cultures and
languages? Where is our philosophy? Where are our ancestors in our state
building and education? Where is our unique system of values? Where is
blackness in the image we project? Where is our pride and ambition?
Being a pale copy of some else world would only made us even more miserable.
As we work to preserve the world biodiversity, we have to bring our
authentic diversity to the world as Africans. We need more diversity not
less of it.
Where are the bricks of the new African centered world we want to build?
Received on Mon Sep 22 2014 - 11:43:21 EDT