The repentant: "In Germany the treasure of the king of the slaves"
www.repubblica.it | August 31, 2015
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An Eritrean working with prosecutors on Ermias Ghermay: "He is in Libya, his money in Europe. The wife receives the shares of embarkations with money transfers abroad to abroad"
PALERMO . It is an uncomfortable truth, a truth that now scares what is emerging in a vault, in a prison somewhere in Sicily. A man speaks and reveals that the heart of the last unprecedented exodus across the sea is not the beaches of Libya, and even inside the barges where the desperate are loaded in droves.
The beating heart of the organization fierce people smugglers is a treasure. That is not in Africa, but in Germany. There – says the man who speaks in the most secure room of the prison – the treasure is hidden built on the skin of migrants, those who pay $ 2,000 for 1500 to get on a boat. This is repeating the prosecutors in Palermo and the cops Sco a man who until April was himself a human trafficker, one of the experts. After being arrested, he became the first repented of trafficking. Nuredin Wehabrebi Atta, born in Asmara, Eritrea, on 12 December 1984. And this is the truth: the money of the lord of the traffickers, Ermias Ghermay, are hidden in the heart of Europe. The Europe that for so long has pretended not to see the exodus. Europe still discussing what to do.