It must be emphasised that the current game has pushed the next generation of Muslims towards extremism and away from the true values of tolerance that Islam promotes. Thus, Muslim countries have in turn been converted into vast hotbeds of terrorism where the international community – or the world's great powers – can then swoop in to maintain or regain control in some, or establish dictatorial control in others.
The question that begs an answer in today's world is: Why there is so much chaos being created in these areas? The answer can be found in the reality of the economic threats that have been posed to the great powers since the First World War. The superpowers at that time anticipated that the Arab would be the perfect locale to create a hotbed of chaos and an environment where hatred can takeover the Islamic world.
Was the goal behind the US invasion of Iraq to spread and promote democracy? And what truly happened in the years since then? For 12 years, the country of Iraq has become the home and the centre of terrorist and extremist groups form every background and corner of the globe. In the month of January alone, 790 people were killed in the country, and there are others who claim that the total number of those that have been killed has exceeded 5,000 people. Can we truly call a place with this much killing and this much chaos a "state"?
As for neighbouring Syria, the situation is even worse, as a popular revolution demanding freedom and democracy has turned into an armed conflict between the two fronts of the opposition and the regime. Syria has been converted into a jungle teeming with armed groups with different affiliations.
Today, Yemen is very much prone to becoming the next Iraq or Syria. As the country finds itself at the mercy of armed groups, each equipped with their own ideologies, more and more chaos is on the rise. Yemen will soon become the third state in the Arab world to fall victim to such savagery.
It is important to note here that there have been many people who claim that the popular movement in Egypt has been hijacked by Islamic extremism and by the Muslim Brotherhood. However, this accusation wholly ignores the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood was democratically elected to represent the people and in this reality alone, one can negate the allegations that have been directed towards the group. Not to mention that the Muslim Brotherhood has gained popularity among many countries within the Arab world for their social policies, which could not be farther from extremist practices. I believe that the Muslim Brotherhood have shown us throughout the course of history that they have paid a heavy price for their ideologies during the Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak eras and not once did they resort to violence. Yet, it remains to be said that if people decide to break off from the Brotherhood's democratic ideology, then Egypt will undoubtedly join the number of chaotic countries very soon and potentially escalate into armed conflict.
While many are currently accusing Turkey of contributing to the chaos in the Arab world and of taking advantage of the realities that have emerged after the Arab Spring, one must note that in reality, Turkey has been among the first countries in the Muslim World to demonstrate a sense of political will and denounce violence. All this while being classified as the fifth most chaotic country in the region. Perhaps there is hope, after all.