Millions of people fled conflict in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine, as well as persecution in areas of Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, creating the highest level of displacement since World War II.
The world desperately needs to come up with better responses to this global crisis.
Click here to see IRIN's interactive analysis on the crisis.
Alternatively, IRIN is hosting a Twitter Q&A on migrants and refugees today between 2-3pm BST.
Taking part in the discussion will be:
- Kristy Siegfried, IRIN’s migration editor (_at_klsiegfried),
- Jeff Crisp, former UNHCR policy chief, affiliated to the Refugee Studies Centre in Oxford (_at_JFCrisp)
- Aden Hassan, IRIN reporter and Somali refugee in Dadaab refugee camp, Kenya
We would love you to join in the chat — _at_irinnews #AskIRIN