(JP)For the fifth time in six weeks: A baby died in a South Tel Aviv kindergarten

From: Semere Asmelash <semereasmelash_at_ymail.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 15:05:48 +0000 (UTC)


For the fifth time in six weeks: A baby died in a South Tel Aviv kindergarten

A four month old baby suffocated to death in a kindergarten for children of foreign workers and refugees.

Mar 30, 2015, 10:59AM | Gal Cohen

A four month old Eritrean baby died after suffocating yesterday afternoon in a kindergarten for children of foreigners in the Shapria neighborhood in South Tel Aviv.

The baby was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. Hospital officials called the police, which opened an investigation.

Welfare authorities were informed of the incident just this morning, and the baby’s body was sent for an autopsy.

This is the fifth case of death in a kindergarten of this kind, commonly known as a “children warehouse”, in the last month and a half. Two days ago, another 4 month old baby died in a kindergarten.

After the baby's death, authorities accused one another for being responsible for the tragedy. Thousands of children are currently in situation where the state has not deported their parents, but has not given them a legal status either. Therefore, the state fails to provide proper kindergartens for them.

Received on Mon Mar 30 2015 - 11:05:49 EDT

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