Well aid, but the first goal to effectively manage migration flows is to enforce peace agreements already signed. The Eritrean ambassador in Italy, Fessahazion Pietros, commenting on the outcomes of the first Africa Europe summit just concluded in Malta is explicit: “To solve the problem of the emigration of our young people from Eritrea must address the causes that lead these young people to leave the Country”.
“The main cause is the insecurity created by the occupation of a part of Eritrean territory. To resolve this issue – said Pietros Adnkronos – the international community and the Guarantors in particular, should enforce the Algiers Agreements of December 2000 and the Resolution of 13 April 2002 that delimited and demarcated the borders between the two countries. “
“This situation of occupation – said the ambassador – has forced the Eritrean government to extend the military service and prevented the country to return to a normal situation. It ‘also important to point out that the maximum Ethiopian authorities regularly threaten to attack Eritrea in order to destabilize the country by creating insecurity. These threats are accompanied by frequent incursions into Eritrean territory by the Ethiopian army. ”
That Eritrea is one of the main immigrant communities present in Italy. The Eritrean ambassador’s words are therefore appealing to the understanding of the problem addressed in the first instance to our own country. “Only a normal situation – explains Pietros – would allow economic development resulting in job opportunities and economic well-being for young people.”
It ‘a matter of respect for the peace agreements and normalization of international relations, but it is also a matter of interest, where some countries in some way encourage the arrival of Eritrean youth more qualified. “Another important cause – in fact explains Pietros – is made up of the immigration policy adopted by some countries that have chosen to reserve preferential treatment to these young people who are qualified as political refugees and that, therefore, are welcomed and included as such in countries of destination.”
“This policy is a powerful reminder of not only the Eritreans but also to other young Africans who declare themselves Eritrean, to be accepted as political refugees. If you truly want to create the conditions so that our young people do not leave their country – concluded the Ambassador – should remove the causes mentioned above and create favorable economic conditions. ”