Watch "Eritrea: Fisheries future in the Red Sea." on YouTube

From: Adal-Video production. Adal Press & Publishing <>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2016 21:43:45 -0600

Fish species
There are more than 600 fish species found in the Eritrean Red Sea. The
commercially important ones can be categorized into five groups. These are
Demersal Pelagic, Ornamental, Crustacean, and Cephalopods. Based on this
classification, there are 104 Demersal, 79 Ornamental, 26 Pelagic, 2
Crustacean, and 2 Cephalopod species both for local and export market
Received on Thu Apr 28 2016 - 23:43:45 EDT

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