Presentation of the book "Eritrea 1941"

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2016 16:52:23 +0000 (UTC)

Wednesday presentation of the book "Eritrea 1941"

Monday, December 12, 2016

Genoa - Wednesday will be presented in Genoa in the Liguria Hall of Palazzo Ducale The Diary "Eritrea 1941", the final year of "firstborn" colony of Alessandro Bianchi. With the curator, they will talk about Roberto Speciale, chairman of the center in Europe, the historian Antonio Gibelli and journalist Teresa Tacchella.

75 years ago the curtain fell on the adventure Italian colonial Eritrea, which began in 1870 when he sailed from Genoa to Africa ship at a time of Assab. An adventure lasting over 70 years and dotted with bloody wars. Some milestones: in 1887 in Dogali, behind Massawa; at Adowa in 1896, which marks the 120th anniversary; in 1941 the battle of Keren which marks the end of the Italian rule in Eritrea.

Just the last year of "firstborn" Colony is told, day after day, by the young officer of the bank Alessandro Bianchi (Udine, March 11, 1908 - Genoa, May 5, 1986). The protagonist of the dramatic battle of Keren, which killed over 12,000 soldiers, shiny witness and ironic, sparing criticism of the misguided and shortsighted entered the war Mussolini, the author, through his own experience, tells of everyday life in this retreat on the edge of the "big story" that has still involved thousands of Italian families.

With the publication of the diary, which tells a part of the history of our country, little known and somewhat removed, you want to keep the memory alive (no ambitions nostalgic!) To understand the current issues of the area that has always tormented and reflect at a time when many Italians looking for a "place in the sun" are due then return home as "refugees."

Presentazione del libro "Eritrea 1941"

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Received on Mon Dec 12 2016 - 11:52:31 EST

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