Ethiopia: Drought continues to threaten 9.7 million people

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2016 18:51:58 +0000 (UTC)

Ethiopia: Drought continues to threaten 9.7 million people

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: Ethiopia

Key Issues

Nearly US$900 million needed for 2017 Ethiopia drought response, the global need reaches record $22.2 billion

The federal NDRMC with the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) organizing inter-cluster mission to Somali region

Humanitarian partners convened Lesson learning workshop on the El-Niño drought response in Ethiopia

Drought exacerbated by El Niño, combined with extensive flooding, disease outbreaks and the disruption of basic public services, continue to have a negative impact on the lives and livelihoods of 9.7 million Ethiopians. Urgent funding gaps for the response remain across multiple sectors to the end of 2016, notably for response to Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD), for interventions in animal health and food assistance. Major funding requirements are already anticipated for early 2017, as there are concerning indications that the current negative Indian Ocean Dipole, may affect water availability, livestock body condition and Meher harvest performance in parts of southern and eastern Ethiopia.

Nearly US$900 million needed for 2017 Ethiopia drought response, the global need reaches record $22.2 billion

The Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) for 2017 was lunched on 05 December 2016 appealing for a record $22.2 billion to meet the needs of 92.8 million most vulnerable people in 33 countries around the world. Although the overall financial requirements for Ethiopia are anticipated to go down by 44 per cent when compared to 2016, the Government and humanitarian partners are recalibrating the nationally-led response to address residual and emerging needs, including new symptoms of drought in Eastern and Southern parts of the country. It is anticipated that 5.6 million people will require food assistance; 1.2 million children and pregnant and lactating mothers will require supplementary feeding; 9.2 million people will be without safe drinking water and 2.4 million households will need livestock support. Partners also estimate that 300,000 children will become severely malnourished in 2017. Please also visit for information on the appeal and related updates.

The federal NDRMC with the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) organizing inter-cluster mission to Somali region

The National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC) with the Ethiopian Humanitarian Country Team is organizing an intercluster mission to Jijiga from 13-15 December 2016. The mission is aimed at strengthening existing coordination mechanisms to better humanitarian response. Members of the mission from Agriculture, Food, Health, Nutrition and WaSH clusters as well federal Government representatives will discuss with the regional Government and the wider humanitarian community. Information management priorities will be discussed with Somali regional authorities, regional cluster coordinators and other agencies.

Humanitarian partners convened lesson learning workshop on the El-Niño drought response in Ethiopia

On 05 December, humanitarian partners convened a one day Lesson learning workshop to discuss the achievements of the 2016 El-Niño drought response in Ethiopia and challenges faced. Results of a prior online survey for donors and humanitarian partners during November show the overall performance of the humanitarian community to the drought crisis was good.

The lasting legacy of the response is that Government of Ethiopia demonstrated to itself and to the Ethiopian people that it can by and large manage such a crisis effectively. On the other hand, the legacy has not been strong on the recovery side as limited resources have been invested in protecting assets. The result of the exercise will be further discussed with Government and used in the planning of the 2017 response which will be reflected in the Humanitarian Requirements Document (HRD).
Received on Tue Dec 13 2016 - 13:51:58 EST

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