The agony to rationalize ethnic Apartheid in modern E

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2016 00:25:41 +0100

The agony to rationalize ethnic Apartheid in modern Ethiopia

The agony to rationalize ethnic Apartheid rule and predatory economy in modern Ethiopia

No more us vs. them politics would excuse dysfunctional political elites of Woyane or anyone else that got free ride on the back of our people’s rights and liberties for far too long.   It is either you are for democracy and the rule of law by… the people or dictatorship and the rule of the jungle by… dysfunctional elites.

By Teshome Debalke

December 14, 2016

Our wise people say ‘እናቴ እንቁላል ስሰርቅ ብትቀጭኝ ኖሮ አለ ሌባ’ became the dilemma of TPLF assembled dysfunctional elites’ while Ethiopians’ quandary remained how to stop them from institutionalizing their predatory behavior.Dysfunctional Ethiopian elites

Unfortunately, many other contemporary dysfunctional elites have a peculiar way rationalizing of their own predatory behavior in justifying ethnic Apartheid dictatorship and the economy of banditry as legitimate model of governance and economic development against our people interest and the well-established norms; representative democracy and the rule of law as the one-and-only known method that ultimately transfer power to the governed.

More ironic is; dysfunctional elites that live in Western democracies enjoying their constitutionally protected rights and liberties depriving their own compatriots by coddling up with the rogue Apartheid regime sums up where the primary source of the problem facing our people started and must end.

All the side show of ethnic, religious… gerrymandering and the empty propaganda we hear from the usual suspects every day aside, the agony TPLF dysfunctional elites go through to look ‘holier than the Pope’ to justify their predatory behavior reached a point of no return to self-implosion and mutilation.

It is one thing to love ethnic Apartheid rule and the racketeering economy that sanction extortion of the people of Ethiopia but, altogether another to claim it is worthy of sticking around in any shape or form.

Nowhere contemporary dysfunctional elites’ behavior exhibited and promoted on Make believe Medias and wannabe journalist that infested the airwaves, the cyberspace and the Social Medias.

Take for instant the recent ‘make-believe news’ on Ze Habbisha Media to illustrate; dysfunctional behaviors of contemporary elites all stripes are the primary sustenance of dictatorship against the interest of the people of Ethiopia.

The report titled; “Haile Gebresilas and Co. Set to Launch New Television Station” sums up the entire political, economic and social crises dysfunctional elites brought to the people of Ethiopia. The paradox any ‘Media’ let alone independent Media wannabe Ze Habisha entertaining to report a make-believe ‘prominent Ethiopian investors’ led by the infamous Haile Gebresilase willing to invest in a nation under a State of Emergency shows; dysfunctional elites of all kinds are running amok agonizing to save the rogue dictatorship or and themselves by-all-means necessary.

Moreover, looking a little closer to some of the ‘prominent Ethiopian investors’ involved investing on entertainment TV network in the middle of a State of Emergency where TPLF controlled internet under locked down and listening to any other than the rogue TPLF propaganda Media is illegal while Agazi force is in a killing spree of our people says more about Ze Habisha than ‘prominent Ethiopian investors’ or the rogue regime.

If Ze Habisha was halfway decent Media as it agonizes to look, it would dig further to find out; the background of the ‘prominent Ethiopian investors’ and if they have any association with TPLF warlords to have such privilege than any other Ethiopians?  Most importantly, it would have reviled the source of the report as any halfway decent Media would do. It appears Ze Habisha more Wey Habisha reporter[s] must have full access to the ‘prominent Ethiopian investors’ and associates like no other Media to come up with such unverifiable ‘midnight’ propaganda. The question is why?

Incidentally, the same person[s] that run the Ze Habisha are associated with Satenaw and Tenadam and the Voice of Amhara that recently came to existence in the last hour. But, somehow, Ze Habisha managed to find ‘prominent Ethiopian investors’ willing to invest in the middle of a State of Emergency. Coincidence, lazy journalism or something else?

Looking at the named investors Ze (Wey) Habisha report[s] put out is Zemdenhe Nigatu, the infamous TPLF investment adviser turn investor himself and the East African Managing Partner of Earnest Young, the well-known New York based US Investment Advisory Group.  Unfortunately, Negatu that singlehandedly made Ethiopia an investment hub of dubious foreign and diaspora investors on behalf of TPLF is back again not as adviser but as investor and not on free media but entertainment television network.

In reality, if there is one ‘dysfunctional Ethiopian diaspora elite in the investment sector Negatu comes up on the top ten. His unconventional practice to legitimize TPLF’s predatory investment scheme on the expenses of the people of Ethiopia would have landed him in jail in any self-respecting regime (including his country of citizenship) with the rule of law instead of being foreign (American) investor on television network in a regime he advice in a country of his birth. But, Ethiopia under the lawless TPLF led regime became fair game for dysfunctional elites like Negatu that earn him admiration and reward from his peers and cover up from the make-believe Medias like Ze Habisha for propping up a notoriously corrupt rogue regime that finally declared State of Emergency refusing to surrender power for democratic rule.

The next named investor in Ze Habisha report is Noah Samara, the onetime celebrated Founder and CEO of the US based World Space Corporation that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in October 2008. Record shows Noah reemerged out of bankruptcy as owner of Yazimi USA Inc, a privately held company in Silver Spring, MD established in 2010. Per company website; “Yazmi provides a unique and highly cost-effective learning technology infrastructure for rural, remote, and underprivileged areas in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.” His involvement in entertainment television network in Ethiopia comes in line with his Former World Space satellite technology continent delivery experience and with his new Yazimi company line of business. But, it is not clear how a trained corporate lawyer and high profile businessman in the USA ended up investing in country in political turmoil under TPLF led ethnic Apartheid Regime’s State of Emergency is only known to him.

Another interesting rather peculiar named investor is the Kassaye kebede, the ex-husband (reported as a husband) of the famous Ethiopian Model Liya Kebede. The low-profile operative and owner of Panton Capital a private equity fund management company established in 2004 based in New York is categorized as ‘unknown business under Investment Securities”, per online Manta. It is also not clear why the Delaware incorporated company filed with the New York State Department of State (NYSDOS) as a Foreign Limited Liability Company. Incidentally, record shows Kassay was on the Board of Director of Noah Samara’s former World Space Crop before it went belly up.

Kassye is also is the owner of Panton Alternative Fund Ltd registered in the Cayman Islands, per the US Security Exchange Commission-Notice Exempt Offering of Securities.

For high profile US Banker and investor, his interest to come out in public as an investor on the first entertainment Television Network in a nation under a State of Emergency is only known to him and his partners and the unnamed Ze Habisha reporter[s] to raise more questions than answer what other investment Kassaye privately or through his privately held company in New York and the Cayman Islands with unidentified clients is investing in Ethiopia or elsewhere and what more Ze Habisha reporter[s] know about him and his associates they failed to revile.

But, according to African Private Equity and Venture Capital Association’s  April 2016 Newsletter Issue, Kassy Kebede in partnership with Berhane Demissie established Cepheus Growth Capital Partners based in Addis Ababa in 2016 “raising its first Ethiopia focused fund to target the manufacturing, agriculture / agro-processing, and consumer service sectors”, according APEVCA. His little-known partner Berhane that claim to work in “financial sector reform on behalf of the government” to partner with a high-profile New York and Cayman Island based Private Fund company owner/manager that by some estimate worth 600-million US dollars to set up shop in Ethiopia is rather strange.

Regardless, Kassy in response to the Newsletter’s question in April of 2016; “why Ethiopia’s current economic position is so appealing?” he response speaks to his state of mind;

“The government has built on that potential by doing an amazing job creating the right environment for businesses to progress: liberalizing the economy, encouraging growth of the private sector, and developing the energy sector through expansion in hydro generation, which has made energy relatively cheap”.

For a U.S and Cayman Islands based private equity fund manager to publicly declare TPLF led ethnic Apartheid regime that is accused of high level corruption and massive atrocities in the 26 years of its rule to say the same ‘government’ “did amazing job creating the right environment for business to progress” reviles; Kassay is more than an independent private equity fund manager/investor from US but, have a whole more vested interest with the ruling regime that requires in-depth investigation by concerned institutions, authorities and Medias unlike what Ze Habisha wanted us to believe.

For starter, there has never been independently verifiable data to ascertain the risk-reward of the Ethiopian market for private investment. Moreover, the ruling TPLF operatives that dominate investment in the Ethiopian economy also hold key government position to facilitate their racketeering.   To say there is a legitimate and independent government that ‘amazingly did a good job’ facilitating private investment says more about Kassay than the regime. The big question is, who is Kassay Kebede?

When that wasn’t enough, the infamous Amare Argawi of The Reporter Newspaper and member of TPLF and comrade-in-arms showing up as ‘prominent Ethiopian investor’ on the Ze Habsha report in the middle of the State of Emergency declared by his comrades indicates, TPLF dysfunctional elites’ agony legitimizing the rogue regime in the last hours not only self-serving but self-incriminating with far more consequences to come in the future.

But, there is more to the so-called investors, businessmen… in nation ruled by lawless Apartheid regime led by TPLF that engage in massive corruption scheme.

Looking at some of the ‘private’ equity investment companies involved in Ethiopia, particularly those run by expats further indicates; a massive racketeering ring appears to be under way — injecting capital from dubious sources in to TPLF’s operated ‘businesses’ in a cover of ‘foreign’ private equity investment.    Among the suspects are, Fairfax African Fund based in Virginia and run by a clandestine operative named Yaried Berhane, an associate of Zemdenhe Negatu and Ascent Rift Valley Fund Kenya based equity fund company run by Michael M. Selassie that injected 25 million US dollars in TPLF run and EFFORT owned and operated Addis Pharmaceutical.

Some other more visible Equity Fund investors include Black Rhino, a South African based US private equity Fund HQ in California run by Mimi Alemayhue, a former J Bush Administration official and Schulze Global Investment, a New York based Private Equity Fund registered in Singapore run by Blen Abebe.

In an article piece I wrote in Aug of 2014 titled The Slash-and-Burn affair of the Ethiopian Diaspora Business Forum & Associates many more (some of the same people) posed as diaspora ‘investors’, businessmen, consultants experts, Medias showing up legitimizing the regime was rather unconventional bordering criminality. They continued to do business as usual with no challenge from the rest of Ethiopians.

The saddest thing of all about dysfunctional elites is, with all the capacity and credential to know better; they choice to travel the low-road at the expenses of the very people they call their own only when they extort them of their livelihood by depriving them rights and liberties on behalf of or in collaboration with the lawless TPLF led ethnic Apartheid regime.

Welcome to the dysfunctional elites legitimized ethnic Apartheid regime and predatory Developmental State of Ethiopia or what is officially referred as Revolutionary Democracy of Nations and Nationalities and Developmental State that promises trickledown economics from TPLF sanctioned bandits to the rest of the people of Ethiopia at gun point. Naturally, it shouldn’t surprise anyone when any lawless group like TPLF in collaboration with dysfunctional elites prone for corruption and racketeering make-and-break the rules at will; the law of the jungle is inevitable as we have been witnessing playing out in the last 26 years.

The million-dollar question is; why rather well established Western nationals of Ethiopian origin involve in nation ruled by ethnic Apartheid dictatorship led by TPLF known for high level corruption and atrocities? Worst yet; why wouldn’t they come out in public to explain Ethiopians their activities and answer the hard questions?

Quite frankly, in my opinion; dysfunctional elites’ mindset to legitimize and institutionalize their predatory behavior in general is more dangerous than the smalltime TPLF bandits piggybacking on it like frogs on crocodile back that attempt to cross a turbulent river from swiping it down the swamp.

Let face it my people, TPLF like its counterparts is a byproduct of dysfunctional elites’ predatory behavior that reduced our civilized people as pawns to use-and-abuse them for their political expediency and economic banditry as it is visible for the necked eye. If one can’t see it or better yet call out against it; he or she is as dysfunctional as any to ‘miss the forest for a tree’.

Here it is important to mention the famous United Negro Fund’s slogan — ‘a mind is a terrible thing to waste’ to reinforce how many badly need minds are wasted to enable and legitimize a lawless ethnic Apartheid regime and its predatory economic practice instead of being used for better causes of our people’s liberty and economic wellbeing.   Unfortunately, an average TPLF assembled dysfunctional elite today officially chose to be a predator or an assassin — accepting corruption, racketeering and atrocities by institutionalizing ethnic Apartheid dictatorship and banditry to his or her end. In that regard, the clandestine TPLF’s operatives that infested public and private institutions testifies; ethnic Apartheid was meant to be TPLF’s tool for racketeering end as it was designed against the people of Ethiopia.

Sadly, many more dysfunctional elites in the make-believe ‘opposition’ are following the footsteps of TPLF to get what they or their enablers wanted to the delight of TPLF and on the expenses of their own people. In fact, their opposition is not about rights and liberties of the people of Ethiopia but for the piece of the action. If that isn’t the ultimate crime against the people of Ethiopia; blaming TPLF elites (‘the frogs’) riding on the back of crocodiles (dysfunctional elites of all kinds) in the sea of popular demand to surrender for democratic rule is a copout not to address the fundamental cause (predatory behavior of the elites) than the symptom (dictatorship).

Here, the famous Tina Turner song ‘what got love has to do with it… but a second-hand emotion…who needs a heart when a heart can be broken…’ reminds me of contemporary dysfunctional elites conflating facts and fiction to justify their behavior and remain relevance.

The question of ‘which came first, the chicken or the egg? Or in this case; the predatory behavior of the elites or dictatorship is clear.  Think about it. When highly educated elites in the most prestigious universities of the world reduce themselves to rationalize ethnic Apartheid rule and predatory economy as a good alternative model of governance and development to their end; all bits are off to break the political stalemate. There could never be a way to go forward but in circles as Ethiopians found out the hard way for the last half a century.

Regardless, everybody must accept the fact; no one group made a mockery of governance and economic development in the history of the nation than TPLF assembled dysfunctional elites. Look how they agonize to justify and legitimize the long discarded primitive ethnic Apartheid rule and racketeering economy as the best thing that happened to Ethiopians on behalf of their pocket book or their enablers’ interest from their hiding. That kind of predatory action would be considered treason in any self-respecting regime with the rule of law punishable by long prison time or death.

Therefore, Ethiopians have only two choices to break the stalemate caused by dysfunctional elites. We as people either must be vigilant to counter all dysfunctional elites’ predatory behavior from driving our people off the cliff and start from a clean slate on the supremacy of the rule of law and accountability or accept the status qua and pay the ultimate price. The choice is as clear as the blue sky in a sunny day.

But, there is more to dysfunctional elites when it comes ending their predatory behavior. By covering it up with propaganda or dwelling on the symptom than the cause of TPLF dictatorship in their hideouts; poisoning the public space with loud noise became the only way they can justify their survival or relevance and it shows. For them, the very mention of the basics of Democracy and the rule of law is a ‘death sentence’ on their unchecked ambitions and corruption that would end with it. Therefore, since they have nothing to offer our people but themselves and enablers; recycling the same fairytale they latched on became their daily meal to survive.

But there is hope. When the Ethiopian Satellite Television Network came on air for the first time in the history of Ethiopia six years ago, all break got loss’. Ever since, things have never been the same for dysfunctional elites and make-believe Medias that occupied the public space unchallenged for far too long. ESAT more than anything was a teaching moment for friends and foes of Ethiopia to know who-is-who making a mockery of the rights and the democratic struggle of the people of Ethiopia.

Naturally, the rogue TPLF assembled dysfunctional elites that enjoyed the ‘occupation’ of the airwaves as they do everything Ethiopian panicked. Ever since, they have been swinging, screaming and crying terrorism and instability not to surrender the airwaves as well as all the public space and resources to sustain an illegitimate ethnic Apartheid regime rule their very survival depends on.  Likewise, other dysfunctional elites cried foul to remain relevant.

When Patriotic-Ginbot Seven Movement for Freedom, Justice and Democracy came demanding democratic rule one-way-or-another or else, TPLF dysfunctional elites that live off its atrocities and corruption panicked again – screaming and yelling Shabia terrorists and shooting first and asking question later to save their rogue regime.  Other dysfunctional elites that make a living in the shadow of the rogue regime also showed their true color.

Surprisingly, every make-believe political party and Media echoed the rogue regime propaganda in condemning G7 movement when fear of freedom, justice and democracy to our people is what scared the daylight out of them more than anything.

When vision Ethiopia in collaboration with ESAT invited Ethiopian intellectual elites to present their vision of the future Ethiopia and the pressing problems facing our people and country under a self-proclaimed minority ethnic Apartheid regime in an open public forum; it became a nightmare for dysfunctional elites to say no thanks no show.

For attentive observer, the open public forum not only exposed dysfunctional elites led by TPLF’s predators have no vision nor anything to offer; attacking the forum and the messengers to cover up their dysfunctional behavior was the only way out. And, no place that reality was evident than on the make-believe Medias with clandestine wannabe journalist that populated the cyberspace.

Are contemporary dysfunctional elites primordial camouflaged in modern closings and academic credential?

Unfortunately, the evidence points; contemporary dysfunctional elites not only comprehend they are behaveing like primitive men of stone age era by all measures to distinguish the difference between private interest from public interest under the jungle law VS. the rule of law. Pick any contemporary elite today that promotes or argues; Democracy and the rule of law is imposed or negotiated by self-appointed elites that claim to represent or speak for our people without consent, you find a dysfunctional elite on steroid living in the bubble of the jungle law and sadly on the expenses of our people’s rights and liberties. In fact, with all the academic credential they flaunt; they don’t even appear to understand the simple concept of the ‘consent of the governed’— the very basics of democracy where nothing worth talking or doing without.

As puzzling as it may sound how any elite in the 21st century claims or argues there could ever be any legitimate regime without the consent of the governed is where the entire political as well as the economic crises of Ethiopia rests today and the very survival of the rogue minority ethnic Apartheid dictatorship relies on.  In other words, if an elite looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is probably a duck i.e. a primitive man masked in modern clothing and credential that don’t worth the paper it is written on.

To sums up; all dysfunctional elites that flaunt the highest academic credential in the world money can buy speak the jungle law—making them more dangerous than their primitive peers in stone age. Unfortunately, they continued to insult our people in public every day hiding behind their credential and no one seems to call them out simply because they hide behind the rogue TPLF led regime or their ethnicity, religion… and the rest.

No one illustrates a classic dysfunctional elite on steroid that hide behind Ethiopian rulers, including the self-proclaimed non-Ethiopian TPLF regime, ethnicity, religion and the rest than Jawar Mohammed. The self-appointed Oromo representative at times and Muslim Oromos, Ethiopians and the world Muslims at another time yet claim to be born from and married to Christian women with undisclosed ethnicity.  Other times, he is peace or war activist depending the occasion and democracy advocate on the top of a political analyst and Media producer. The one-in-all-be-for-all Jawar does what he does in the name of Oromo, Muslims, democracy, peace, war and Media to get him where he wanted to be. If noting works, no one should be surprised if he comes out as an advocate of the Islamic Oromia State of ISIS kind to get him where he desperately wanted to be.

His latest rant is in line with every dysfunctional ethnic elites’ behavior. Ethiopians are not only his unfavorite people via Amharas or Tigres and Christians against his ‘favorite’ people via Oromos and Muslims minus Ethiopian Muslims he hates to love to his liking. In short, he reduced the great and vast people of Ethiopia in to three ethnic groups and two religion narrative to fit his ambition and main mission of destroying Ethiopia that was ‘imposed on him’ as he is told by his foreign enablers.   Wait, he hasn’t played the race card in his voluntarily adapted country of citizenship (America) that was imposed on him yet.

Regardless, we can blame the young, loud and the restless dysfunctional Jawar all we want to cover up our own. But, he is a byproduct of dysfunctional elites that came before him except he has access to technology and sharp mouth and the ego the size of an elephant to go with it.

Jawar is emulating the late dysfunctional one-in-all-be-it-all self-proclaimed Tigray elite Melse Zenawi of the chairman of Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) and everything Tigray at times and Ethiopian make-believe PM at another time and a de facto self-appointed spokesperson of African dictators. He used to be all over the map of Ethiopia he hated to love, Eritrea he loved to hate, Africa he used and abused to extort his wester enablers, Middle East he loved to undermine Ethiopia — starting as ‘Tigray’ ethnic warlord to end up as ‘leader’ of aid addicted African dictators until his death before he fulfills his big ambition of becoming the leader of the world dictators.

The self-professed Tigray warlord and racketeering mob boss that skillfully maneuvered the world powers’ geopolitical interest earned him admiration from western leaders with the bigotry of low expectation of African small men as well as Easter leaders with unchecked appetite to tap resources and influence through ‘small men’ that gave him more ammunition to expand his atrocities and racketeering empire nationally, regionally and globally.

Born from an ‘Eritrean’ mother that ‘voted’ for Eritrea independence and a ‘Tigri’ father that ‘voted’ for Fascist’s occupation, all his adult life Melse worked tirelessly to break his mother’s birth place from his father’s and end up as a defender of the same Ethiopia via Tigray of his father land that ‘never existed’ via ‘Amhara’ he hated to love and offender of the same Eritrea via his mother land that existed via Shabiya he loved to hate .

His confused dysfunctional flocks he left behind can’t help but stick and stuck with the only formula they know how to sustain their sorry predatory existence.  After all, even dysfunctional elites have their heroes and role models to look up to and, who better fill that position than the late Melse with a fairytale legacy to make them feel worth something and anything for their dysfunctional exitance.

Jawar is following Melse’s footsteps starting as a self-appointed representative of the ‘majority’ Oromo ethnic or ‘majority’ Muslims’ in ‘Oromia’ or Ethiopia to start him and anything and everything in between politically expedient for the occasion. It is a typical path African dysfunctional elites climb to prominence in the eyes of their dysfunctional peers and foreign enablers insulting their own people.

Don’t get me wrong. The problem of Ethiopians is not confined in tribal peddling dysfunctional elites with foreign enablers like the late Melse or Jawar. Many in the make-believe unity group are not far behind when it comes to democracy and the rule of law or the consent of the governed. In many instance; national like tribal is a front – a means to an end of dictatorship. You don’t have to take my word but look at their official website and find out for yourself when they insult our people’s intelligence as if our people are pawns for their ever-changing political and economic adventure and ambition. Some are arrogant enough to put out a few pages of political program as platform — literary insulting the dignified and civilized people of Ethiopia that got them where they are with their blood and sweat. If that isn’t dysfunctional behavior of the highest order, I don’t know what is.

Quite frankly, the rogue regime is a dead-regime-walking sustained by dysfunctional elites’ behavior making a mockery of our people’s struggle and rights. Therefore, they must be dealt with by popular demand sooner than later to go forward.

Ending dysfunctional behavior of contemporary elites thus dictatorship for good

Once again, when the Ethiopian National Movement (ENM) for freedom, justice and democracy is another best thing that happened to Ethiopians and the beginning of the end of dysfunctional behavior of contemporary elites thus dictatorship for good as ESAT was the beginning of the end of dysfunctional elites run make-believe Medias thus, empty propaganda for good.

The genius of ENM like ESAT is; there is no place to hide or run for dysfunctional elites that are used to insulting the struggle of the people of Ethiopia for freedom, justice and democracy for far too long. Just the sheer existence of ENM alone is enough to end dictatorship scaring contemporary dysfunctional elites (the cause of dictatorship) to ‘either put up or shut up’.  Soon we will find out who is going to put up or shut up.

The era of clandestine politics and back door willing-and-dealing on the expenses and the back of our people is over and the dysfunctional elites’ scramble for a cover began and it is showing.

Already, TPLF assembled dysfunctional ethnic elites that cannibalize the rights, liberties and livelihood of the people of Ethiopia and the territory of the great nation are constipating like a snake that swallowed an oversized mammal agonizing to cover it up with the Ethiopian flag they hated-to-love. They no longer claim they are the same ethnic peddling predators but, make-believe Ethiopian leaders, investors, experts, journalists… to hoodwink and dodge accountability.

Likewise, other dysfunctional elites are scrambling to come up with anything and everything to remain relevant — screaming and kicking on the make-believe Medias. All the maneuvering with empty slogans and propaganda to nowhere is to sustain their dysfunctional behavior — wasting valuable time and resources and extending the life of TPLF’s Apartheid dictatorship they loved to hate on the expenses of our people.

When ENM folks delivers what they set out to accomplish; dysfunctional elites will run in all directions like frightened rabbits in a vegetable garden that stumbled on pack of hungry and angry lions.   Other dysfunctional elites will disappear without notice and end up as footnote of history.

Often, we Ethiopians have extremely tolerant of and ignore dysfunctional behavior of the elites that cost our people more than they bargained for. More consequentially, it left our people destitute, with no democratic and economic rights to end up one of the poorest nation in Africa and the world as-long-as we can remember.

In short, the people of Ethiopia have been held hostage by the dysfunctional elites’ predatory behavior that have no whatsoever desire or will to establish the institutions necessary to free and empower our people but, themselves.  Thus, the dispensation of freedom and democracy is reduced as a bargaining chip between self-appointed dysfunctional elites representing their chosen constituents to grab or share power that never belong to them.

Unfortunately, the small circle of political elites that emerged out of the student movements of the 60’s that cut their teeth on Marxist indoctrination refuse to break rank from the dogma they swallowed purely for the lust for power and privilege.  In that regard, the rogue TPLF or the Marxist-Leninist League of Tigray dysfunctional elites as well as their counterpart are organized to position themselves to remain relevant or climb to power and privilege with no regard for the rights and liberties of our people.

Ever since Kinijit followed by Patriotic-Ginbot 7 came to demolished the Marxist ‘revolutionary democracy’ decoy that brought ethnic and class peddling dysfunctional political elites, the era of us-and-them politics for power and privilege in backdoor ended so the old mantra of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ to sustain the status qua died with it but not yet buried.

No more us vs. them politics would excuse dysfunctional political elites of Woyane or anyone else that got free ride on the back of our people’s rights and liberties for far too long.   It is either you are for democracy and the rule of law by… the people or dictatorship and the rule of the jungle by… dysfunctional elites.

We know what our civilized people demanded from the political elites. We also know what Woyanes choice in defiance of our people. What is left is the rest that extend Woyane’s Apartheid dictatorship against our people’s demand and will.

The jungle boys Vs. Civilized men; is it that what the struggle for freedom, justice and democracy all about.

The challenge Ethiopian National Movement would face is sorting out who-is-who for democracy and the rule of law (civilized men) or dictatorship and the law of the jungle (jungle boys). Simply inviting all involved and concerned to identify themselves and present their official stand on democracy and the rule of law in front of the people of Ethiopia and the world will sort out the civilized men from the jungle boys causing havoc on our people and end dictatorship for good.

There are many things Ethiopians as individual and group can do to help the Ethiopian National Movement and member organizations to sort out the civilized men from the jungle boys. Researching to Identify who-is-who starting from Media operators that push the jungle propaganda and cover up corruption and atrocities of the rogue regime from their hiding is the first step. Identifying corrupt business operators and racketeering ring leaders particularly in diaspora and notifying the proper authorities, institutions and Medias is critical task to help the movement to achieve its objectives. Demanding every party, institution, business, media…involved to identify the responsible person[s] to publicly define their official position on the rouge regime and the struggle is another important task to help ‘DRAIN THE SWAMP’ infested with snakes.

Once again, Ethiopians should grateful for the selfless sacrifice and contribution of Ethiopians involved in Patriotic-Ginbot Seven and in ESAT to bring Ethiopians together in the Ethiopian National Movement on behalf of our people. The member parties that took a giant step on the right direction to advance the cause of our people and country before party will be remembered as the Founders of Democracy in a nation infested with dysfunctional elites prone for dictatorship and corruption.

Finally, acknowledging the good work of many brave, selfless Ethiopians involved in many other organizations that promote democracy and the rule of law martially, financially, technically and morally goes a long way to end dysfunctional behavior of the elites thus dictatorship to free our people and ourselves from the horror that came with it.

Long live for the people of Ethiopia and Ethiopians and their struggle for freedom, justice and democracy.

Warning for all dysfunctional elites: Unsolicited attack or propaganda (direct or indirect) on behalf of the ruling dictatorship or and any other clandestine party/organization on or against any Ethiopian individual or organization that promote democracy and the rule of law for the people of Ethiopia will cost you more than it benefits you, do it at your own risk.

Received on Wed Dec 14 2016 - 18:25:41 EST

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