Help for Eritrea: There is hope again

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2016 22:44:13 +0000 (UTC)

Transport on the way to Africa

Help for Eritrea: There is hope again


Also thanks to the help of the EXTRA TIPP readers, it has become possible to send another transport to Eritrea. The shipment contains 60,000 euros of medicine for two hospitals, which are supported by our partner project "Help for Eritrea". By Axel Grysczyk

Heusenstamm / Rhine-Main region - help 22 year, bringing 47 shipping containers on the way, organize, convince and keep on going. This is the result of the recent aid transport of "Help for Eritrea", the partner project of the EXTRA TIP. With the help of charity, people in Eritrea are to be supported long-term, so that they have a better life in their home country and do not have to flee.

Also for the helpers in and around Heusenstamm to project coordinator Heinz difference herring it is a struggle every time. It's about money that needs to be scraped at every corner. Donations from companies, collections in favor of the project, support from other relief organizations and a great deal of commitment from the readers of the EXTRA TIP, so that two hospitals in Eritrea (Feldareb and Enghela) are also given basic care with medicines. This is also the most important and most valuable part of the cargo for East Africa: medicines worth 60,000 euros! And even though the "aid for Eritrea" already in the spring a similar auxiliary charge has staked. The only doctor in the hospital in Enghela, Dr. Kibrom Tseggai, is desperate, asks his German friends for help. "There will be more patients every day," he writes.

Coordinator of the project, Heinz Schiedhering, has also managed this time again. Last Monday, after two hours of loading, the 47th auxiliary container was finished, which stopped on its way to the port to Antwerp in Tönisforst to load the ten pallets of medicines. Equally on the way to Africa are roll and nursing chairs, rollators, examining and more than 200 other auxiliary packages. The company Pahl in Külsheim had provided 500 towels for the two hospitals. In addition, there were ten large boxes with large fabric residues for the training centers for women.

A major supporter is the Kindermissionswerk in Aachen. In addition, transport costs were taken over proportionately by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation. On 13th January the ship - the Uruguay - will reach the port of Massawa in Eritrea. From the Capuchin sisters on the spot the transport by land is organized to the hospitals. Even if there is still a lot of obstacles waiting there (see picture), all aid transports have so far arrived unscathed in the 22 years. They were all urgently needed.

Who wants to help donates to the account of the "Help for Eritrea" of the Catholic parishioner "Maria Himmelskron" at the United People's Bank (VVB) Maingau under account IBAN: DE 18 5056 1315 0106 0606 25; BIC: GENODE5 10BH.

47. Delivery for the EXTRA TIPP-partner project "Help for Eritrea"

Help for Eritrea "has been the project of the partner EXTRA for three years now, and now more than 200 packages have been loaded for the 47th relief delivery to Northeast Africa, including balanced medication worth 60,000 euros.

--Software translation--
Received on Sat Dec 17 2016 - 17:44:12 EST

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