Rebel group reported clashes with regime forces in Ogaden

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 00:29:13 +0100

Rebel group reported clashes with regime forces in Ogaden

file photo of ONLF army

ESAT News (December 20, 2016)

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The Ogaden News Agency reported that heavy fighting took place between the Ogaden National Liberation Army (ONLA) and TPLF regime forces in Ogaden.

“TPLF regime forces were engaged in harassment activities around the Dumodlay Village of Qabri-dahar district including rape, beatings, and arbitrary detention,” the report said.

The Ogaden National Liberation Army attacked the regime’s forces in Dumodlay Village on the 15th of December, 2016 and has caused considerable damage against regime forces, killing 6 soldiers and wounded 8 others, according to ONA.

The TPLF regime in Ethiopia has been accused of perpetrating numerous human rights violations in the Ogaden region, as documented by human rights groups.

“Ogaden is war-zone and the conflict between ONLF Army and TPLF regime forces is on daily basis,” the report further said.


Egyptian media lashes out Saudi Arabia over visit to Ethiopian dam


Saudi delegation at the Ethiopian dam

ESAT News (December 20, 2016)

Egyptian media lashed out at Saudi Arabia over a high-level Saudi delegation visit to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) during a short trip to Ethiopia on Friday.

Experts said the decision to visit the GERD was an act of revenge against Egypt that could deepen tensions between the two countries, Middle East Eye said in a report.

On Saturday, Egyptian news commentator Mohamed Ali Khayr called on Riyadh to “review its policies before it can only blame itself for what ensues,” according to the report by the Middle East Eye.

“Egypt is not obliged to continue to contain its reactions towards Saudi Arabia… any interference [by Saudi Arabia] in the GERD project implies a direct threat to Egypt’s national security,” he said on Egyptian TV.

Khayr went as far as accusing Saudi policymakers of being “amateurs” that have caused bilateral relations between the two countries to completely break down as a result of this visit.

On Saturday, Ahmed Moussa, another journalist, threatened Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states that if they were to invest in Ethiopia, their investment would be lost in the Nile.

Moussa continued to condemn the visit over his talk show on Sada al-Balad, an Egyptian satellite TV channel, according to the report.

“The GERD will not last forever, a volcano might erupt at any moment. So for those looking to invest billions [of dollars] in this project, your money might as well be going to waste,” said Moussa.

Ahmed al-Khateeb, a senior adviser at the Saudi royal court and board chairman of the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD), visited the site and met Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and other officials to discuss GERD’s construction project.

Khateeb’s trip came after the Saudi agriculture minister visited Ethiopia last week, making it the second visit by a Saudi official to Addis Ababa in less than a week.

Received on Tue Dec 20 2016 - 18:29:12 EST

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