Eritrean Okubamariam elected African cyclist of the year 2016

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 19:00:17 +0000 (UTC)


Eritrean Okubamariam elected African cyclist of the year 2016

Published on Wednesday 21 December 2016 at 19:16| | Updated 21/12/2016 at 19:47

The jury chaired by Bernard Hinault, with Chris Froome as an honorary member this year, elected Eritrean Tesfom Okubamariam African cyclist of the year.

While the South African of Lampre-Merida, Louis Meintjes 8th of the Tour de France, left favorite, the jury preferred to reward this time the purely continental fiber. "I saw Tesfom Okubamariam when Amissa Bongo Tropical in January stand up to the professionals , says Bernard Hinault. He still had the leader's shirt on the eve of the finish. He deserves this trophy because he also gave in his way a beautiful image of African cycling but with fewer resources than the Africans who run in the World Tour teams. It's all to his credit. "

Without a team for 2017

At the age of 26, Tesfom Okubamariam, a training partner of Daniel Teklehaimanot in Eritrea, won the African Continental Championship this year and dominated the UCI Africa Tour rankings. Good performances that do not prevent him from being without a team for 2017, the Sharjah Team of the United Arab Emirates where he would run this year having just decided to stop the adventure last week. "I hope this award will allow me to find a new team for next season," said the winner.,1794:1196-624-416-75/6f9b1.jpg

Tesfom Okubamariam was elected African cyclist of the year. (DR / The Team)

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Received on Wed Dec 21 2016 - 14:00:16 EST

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