Facebook.com: "Washington and Asmara relationship will not be possible" - US outgoing government

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam59_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2016 13:07:59 +0100
"Washington and Asmara relationship will not be possible" - US outgoing government

December 26, 2016

SUMMARY - This is a case of who will be blinking first. A bully Vs the stubborn. The US is finding it hard to deal with "unhinged" patriotic leader. In their tried and tested US diplomatic manual, there is no rehearsal instruction page that explains on what they have faced with. The stubbornness of the Eritrean strongman should be a case study to their new recruited foreign diplomats.

24 Dec 2016 - The assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Linda Thomas-Greenfield said that repairing the broken links between Washington and Asmara will not be possible.

Ms Thomas-Greenfield, said "the US is not playing an antagonistic role toward Eritrea", and that the longstanding divide between the two nations “is not the relationship we desire.”

“President Isaias’ regime ordered the US Agency for International Development to leave Eritrea in 2005, along with other donors and international NGOs,” she recalled.

“As a result, we have no bilateral assistance, no military to military relationship."

While Ms Thomas-Greenfield acknowledged that the Eritrean government had made “limited” progress in addressing US concerns, she said "Eritrea's refusal to accept any US ambassador in Asmara since 2010” was the major obstacle before the US could adopt a friendlier posture.

President Afwerki, however, regards an end to UN sanctions against Eritrea as “a precondition of any serious effort to improve relations between the two countries,” a Washington think tank analyst told a panel.
Received on Mon Dec 26 2016 - 07:07:58 EST

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