English.Aawsat.com: Interviews-Ethiopian FM: Opposing Groups are Working in Egypt, Authorities yet to Comment

From: Berhane Habtemariam <Berhane.Habtemariam59_at_gmx.de_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2016 13:28:20 +0100
Interviews-Ethiopian FM: Opposing Groups are Working in Egypt, Authorities yet to Comment

Al-Khartoum – Ethiopian government announced that it is cooperating with the Egyptian government, yet still awaits a response to the official request calling it to stop the work of certain opposing groups.

Foreign Affairs Minister Workneh Gebeyehu said that there are Egyptian institutions harboring, supporting, and funding terrorist groups in Ethiopia.

He explained that they repeatedly addressed the Egyptian authorities regarding those institutions, and called on them to take suitable procedures against them and investigate them.

The minister said that both the Ethiopian and Egyptian governments work together, but they contacted Cairo and informed the authorities that anti-Ethiopian groups are residing in the city. He added that an official request has been sent to Egyptian authorities asking them to stop these groups’ activities.

Gebeyehu explained that the opposing groups are meeting in Egypt and delivering statements through their YouTube channel.

When asked about same accusations addressed to the Eritrean government, the minister said that Eritrea is threatening the security and stability in Ethiopia. He added that they have sent requests to the international community to pressure Eritrea into halting its violations.

When asked about the U.N. resolution concerning the Ilemi Triangle, Gebeyehu said they agreed upon the resolution but called for meetings to resolve the issue. He explained that the issue is simple and not complicated as it is portrayed. He stressed that his country didn’t reject the resolution that granted the Triangle to Eritrea.

Asked about the peace process between South Sudan and Somalia, Gebeyehu said that his country is working on solving issues between the two countries and through IGAD organization. He added that the roadmap set by the organization aims for a peaceful solution through dialogue, which in turn will lead to free elections.

The minister said that there are positive developments in Somalia and things are heading towards stability.

Gebeyehu said they refused to receive former South Sudan Prime Minister Riek Machar because they are impartial in the ongoing struggle in the country. He believes his country is part of the solution and therefore can’t choose to be with one party against another. He added that Machar didn’t request to stay in Ethiopia, but was passing through the country.

Several protests and demonstrations happened over the past years in Ethiopia and several international and rights’ organizations accused the government of violating the human rights. Gebeyehu denied those accusations saying that his country dealt with the groups according to the law. He added that it is all rumors and the protesting groups aimed at destructing the country’s infrastructure. He said that it is the government’s role to protect the people and the country from vandalism.

Over nine thousand detainees had been released following the recent protests. The FM said that the Ethiopian Rights’ Council is investigating in the incidents to determine the actual number of detainees and number of those killed during the protests.

Speaking of the relations with Gulf countries and Saudi Arabia, Gebeyehu said that the relations are tight and goes back over 50 years. He added that several investment bilateral agreements have been signed with Qatar and UAE.

The FM pointed out that several media outlets covered the recent visit of the Custodian of the Two holy Mosques because of its importance. He added that Saudi Arabia is one of the main important investors in Ethiopia, with several Saudi investors residing in the country having over $1 billion investments.

Received on Mon Dec 26 2016 - 07:28:20 EST

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