Ethiopia: Can begging and raiding the economy pass as legitimate policy just because make-believe Medias said so?

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2016 21:47:17 +0100
Ethiopia: Can begging and raiding the economy pass as legitimate policy just because make-believe Medias said so?
December 26, 2016
It begs asking. Why is it the so-called make-believe Medias in the diaspora skirting the fact; the ruling regime’s clandestine dysfunctional elites in diaspora are the primary cause of deflecting the problem facing our people from ending the illegitimate regime of Woyane and confront them accordingly?
It was clever how the ruling regime led by Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) came up with the idea; begging donors and raiding the public resources by its cronies and foreign partners can pass as economic policy suitable for development of a nation just because desperate make-believe Medias’ reporters echoed its ‘voodoo’ economics as real.VOA Amharic make-believe Medias

In all fairness, the make-believe ‘EPDRF’ regime led by pseudo PM in Addis Ababa has real economic policy on paper written by ‘real economists’ hired and paid for by donors like the PM good only for display and practices TPLF’s voodoo economic ‘policy’ concocted in the jungle of Dedebit to raid the public resources with impunity.

Nevertheless, the regime managed to hoodwink the entire world and skillfully made ‘believers’ out of world leaders, including the US Administration officials as well as established Western institutions and Medias to utter it back to us.

Don’t get me wrong; voodoo economic policy is also real except it is illegal, unscientific and immoral — designated as organized crime in the shadow of the real world.

Therefore, when TPLF’s make-believe EPDRF regime’s voodoo economics with no legal, scientific or moral bases to pass scrutiny became the benchmark of the nation’s policy; the gullible are doomed to pour their resources in a blackhole while TPLF cronies pour it in their bank vault in excitement — asking for more, thanks for the make-believe Media enablers that see, hear or speak no evil propagating organize crime as acceptable endeavor on their ‘own’ unfortunate people.

The recent VOA-Amharic report via Mekele, Ethiopia and Washington D.C. titled የጋምቤላ እርሻ ባለሐብቶች ልማት ባንክን አማረሩ claiming; unnamed ‘Tigray’ investors in Gambelia Region sent a complaint letter against the make-believe ‘Federal government’ (EPRDF) in Addis Ababa illustrates; voodoo economic policy is running amok with the help of the make-believe Medias like VOA. It is the tip of the iceberg of what is being done in the name of news and journalism.

Accordingly, the complaint letter that was supposedly sent to many Medias claims; the ‘Federal government of Ethiopia’ that ‘encouraged’ them to invest in the Gambelia Region left them on suspense by not providing them with the promised additional loans or for not servicing the outstanding loans because of their ‘ethnic affiliation’ as articulated by the ‘Tigray’ Investors’ Association spokesperson.

In response to VOA reporter Germay Geberu phone call, the representative of the ‘Federal government’ operated Development Bank refuted the complaint claiming; the problem was with ‘land title overlap’ under investigation and has nothing to do with ethnic affiliation of the investors.

What is comical about the whole episode wasn’t the usual drama of TPLF make-believe Federal government nor the self-proclaimed ‘Tigay’ make-believe investors-victims’ compliant but, the VOA report and how the letter that was supposedly sent to ‘local’ and international Medias ended up via VOA’s reporter Girmay Gebru in Mekele and found its way to the ‘offending’ make-believe Federal’ government owned Development Bank in Addis Ababa. It was as bizarre as any other TPLF’s fairytale to spin anyone’s head in confusion as it appears was the intent.

It reminded me of how the comedian Ben of EthiopiaFirst’s drama on the defection of TPLF comrade Mola the mole out of Eretria through Sudan into Northern Ethiopia waving his gun to end up on ETV in Addis Ababa overnight confessing his sin to ask; when did VOA Amharic joined comedian Media club?

Since I don’t listen to VOA ever since it submitted its responsibility for a small-time dictator halfway across the world; I can’t say when it turned into comedy Media.   But, what I know is, make-believe Medias run by dysfunctional elites across the board are becoming more-and-more hazardous for the democratic struggle than a smalltime corrupt TPLF led ethnic dictatorship.

What is even more hilarious about the report was, the absence of VOA reporter in the nation’s Capital where the offending make-believe ‘Federal’ government seats nor Gambelia where the self-proclaimed ‘Tegri’ make-believe investors-victims reside for Germay   Gebru in Mekelle to be dispatched for an emergency duty to conduct ‘investigation’ over the phone. No one also knows whether it is the ever ending TPLF’s drama to legitimize and sustain its corrupt rule or VOA reporters still believe; Ethiopians are stupid enough to figure out fiction from reality.

But, it surly looks and sounds like the letter is either to incriminate the people of Tigray further via TPLF crony investors around the country in line with TPLF ethnic divide-destroy agenda by putting Ethiopians on each other throat for the bigger mission of its enablers or to say, the regime is equal opportunity ethnic discriminator. Surprisingly, the so-called ‘Tigri elites in diaspora are silent and in hiding again when the rogue TPLF makes mockery of Ethiopians in Tigray as one-and-the same with the notoriously corrupt TPLF cronies it assembled. Call it cowardly, self-mutilation or self-incrimination it doesn’t look good.

At the same time, no one knows whether the VOA report wanted to tell us; the rogue TPLF led ‘Federal’ Apartheid regime’s ethnic discrimination is a myth i.e. there are ‘Tegri investors-victims receiving injustice like everybody else or TPLF is ‘reforming’ by cleaning up its corrupt ‘Tigre’ cronies and deserve a chance to stick around. Whatever it may be, it is not kosher.

If you ask me, the whole exercise of VOA report appears concocted by TPLF warlords in Mekele where VOA reporter Germay Geberu is assigned in collaboration with the unidentified reporter[s] in Washington D.C., the spokesperson of the make-believe ‘Tigre’ investors’ in Gambelia and TPLF representative in Developmental Bank in Addis Ababa. What is even more fascinating is; it is all done in the middle of State of Emergency TPLF warlords declared to subdue Ethiopians; not for more loans or land but, freedom and elected government.

That is not all, the self-proclaimed ‘Tigray’ investors-victims in Gambella appear clueless whether the ‘Federal’ government is in Addis Ababa or Mekele or if they are real investors or TPLF cronies lured to illegally ‘invade’ land in Gambella as articulated by their own representative as VOA reporters pretend to be clueless the different between yellow journalism from the real thing.

An amateur journalist wannabe can figure out what is wrong with VOA reporters in Mekele or Washington D.C., the make-believe ‘Tigray’ investor-victims in Gambelia and the ethnic Apartheid make-believe ‘Federal’ government in Addis Ababa. Tragically, they all don’t want to accept the reality; they are no journalists, investors and a government as they agonize to be one — legitimizing the rogue regime, its voodoo economic policy and racketeering ring.

Therefore, the first question that comes in mind is; is VOA the Voice of America or the Voice of ‘Tigray’ in Diaspora like the make-believe Voice of Woyane is in Tigray? In other word, is VOA Amharic mandated to legitimize the rogue TPLF led regime in the Diaspora or is it rouge reporters doing it on their own like the infamous former VOA reporter turn TPLF mouthpiece Mimi Sebhatu in Addis Ababa.

I say that with all sincerity to get to the bottom of the hilarious reports coming out of a US government run Agency known as VOA. Knowing the Obama Administration’s love for the rogue TPLF led regime, may be…may be the reporters are forced to make up stories to sustain the regime in order to keep their jobs?

Here is the problem I see with the report VOA Amharic put out via Mekele based reporter Germay Gebru making mockery of the lives and libraries of the people of Ethiopia.

The first question real journalists ask would be; who the ‘Tigre’ investors-victims may be and how and when did they ended up in Gambila and why they were promised loan and land.  And second, whose land they were given and who authorize the land and the loan and for how much and, what else they got from the make-believe ‘Federal’ government that supposedly victimized them and ‘Tigray’ Regional government they claim to come from (if there is any difference). And finally, for who and where they were promised to sell whatever they were producing and how are some of the basic questions and answers missing from the report.

Since, none of the hard questions were asked by the VOA reporter Girmay Gebru nor reviled by the investors-victims’ letter of complaint, what the public got was; a letter of complaint from the self-proclaimed ‘Tigray’ investor-victims in Gambella read by VOA report from Mekele and Washington and the offending party (the make-believe  ‘Federal’ Bank manager) that read the script of TPLF warlords to tell us; there are no victims of the rogue TPLF led ethnic Apartheid regime in Gambelia or anywhere else because of ethnic affiliation. Therefore, all the ‘noise’ of being victims is made up by ‘extremists’ and corrupt investors against the good name of the ‘democratically elected’ regime of EPDRF growing the economy and maintaining stability?

For God sakes, can VOA make-believe reporter Girmay Gebru in Mekele, the HQ of Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) warlords couldn’t at least verify if the self-proclaimed ‘Tigre’ investors- victims in Gambelia are member of TPLF from the warlords he wine and dine with (not that they have any choice in the matter not to be) and get it over with than boring us reading make-believe complaint of Tigray investors-victims and the mock interview to justify something out of noting?

Quite frankly, it is almost impossible to believe; VOA reporters get paid by US tax payers for essentially recycling what they are told by TPLF in the name of journalism-Media and there are people that for real believed the nonsense to make decisions with major implication for themselves even worse for the people of Ethiopia.  For all fairness, it is common with many other make-believe Medias and journalists.

What could possibly be the source of such dysfunctional behavior of contemporary elites has been ongoing debate with a friend every time we hear and read bizarre statements, reports, articles and actions of contemporary dysfunctional elites of one kind or another to finally reach a unanimous agreement on three causes. Entitlement (the world owns me), ignorance (lack of complete information to the reality or to tell right-from-wrong) and victimhood (the inability to take personal responsibility for one action) are the top three possible causes we agreed why dysfunctional behavior persisted at enormous cost to our people.

In a previous article titled ‘the agony to rationalize ethnic Apartheid rule and predatory economy’ I argued; dysfunctional behavior of contemporary elites is the cause of all ills in our society and, it seems you can’t avoid it anymore everywhere you look, hear and read. What is even more frightening, not enough people calling out on it considering all the crises it brought on our people for decades.

Once again, VOA report as Ze Habisha’s previous report did on make-believe ‘prominent Ethiopian investors’ and many others kept repeating off the wall report again-and-again with no consequences. It appears, either they don’t understand what investment and investors means let alone in the context of a corrupt and self-proclaimed minority ethnic Apartheid regime led by TPLF or they are playing dumb-and dumber every time for reasons they won’t say.

In that regard, Ze Habisha posted yet another recycled one sided bizarre report from the infamous FORTUNE Media based in Addis Ababa titled “Results From Gambella Commercial Farms Disappointing” .

Reporting results from TPLF sources alone disqualify any Media but, claiming a disappointment from TPLF’s cronies’ racketeering ring sound more desperation that brought the State of Emergency itself than credible information coming out of a rogue regime worthy of disappointment.

Nor Ze Habisha cut-paste journalism on the misfortune of Ethiopians from the ‘Fortune’ of TPLF itself is agonizing to tell us; the problem TPLF is minor that a make-believe reform can cure?  Ironically, Ze Habisha is posed to look like it is on the side Ethiopian’s struggle for freedom, justice and democracy but can’t see the misfortune of Fortune propaganda on the people of Ethiopia.

Elementary knowledge dictates; when there is no rule of laws and independent body to enforce them; there would be no legitimacy in government, economy, investment, Media and the rest. Then, what is it VOA reporters or Ze Habisha and the rest don’t understand when they report a bunch of malarkey that wouldn’t mean a thing but, to self-disqualify them from anything journalism or Media business?

I don’t know about you my people but, I concluded; dysfunctional elites, particularly in the Media are ‘pain-on-the-ass’ on the people of Ethiopia’s struggle for freedom, justice and democracy – coming up with all kinds of bizarre and unsubstantiated reports, statements, press releases, articles and the rest in the last hour to make something out of noting to preserve the status qua.

Lately, new organizations and Medias with ‘sweet’ sounding names calling for one thing-or-another are recycling the same old TPLF stuff over-and-over-again to divert the struggle in different directions. One peculiar make-believe Media addition that came from nowhere in the last hour is the Voice of Amhara led by Ze-Habisha.   No one knows if Ze Habsha guys woke up one morning on the wrong side of the bed to speak for the ‘Amharas. But, they surly came the wrong time to rescue TPLF from biting dust sooner than later.

Incidentally, has anyone notice ESAT news slowly disappeared from Ze Habisha website replaced by the Voice of Amhara and BBN? coincidence? I was hoping the old EthioMedia and Ethiopian Review would reform into something good or retire as I recommended before, instead more like them are popping up for unknown reason we will find out soon when they trip over to show their true color.

If you ask me, the remedy to end the confusion make-believe Media brought to our people is simple. The formation of Independent Media monitoring group to identify them would go a long way to end their drama. Until then, if the reporters behind any Media won’t identify themselves and their sources in public to stand by their reporting or cut-pasting anything or deliberately fail to go after the source of the problem facing our people as the VOA and Ze Habisha seems to do; they should be considered hazard for the wellbeing of the people of Ethiopia thus, the struggle for freedom and democracy. There is nothing more-or-less to it.

Unless Ethiopians demand Medias to come clean and out of the closet or else, the stage is being set to prolong the rogue TPLF’s Apartheid rule and the misery of our people on the make-believe Medias.

The new strategy appears to be; more confusion and diversion from the gathering danger of the struggle to end ethnic Apartheid rule is at work.

They say, ‘you can run but, can’t hide’ from the struggle no matter how you slice-or-dice or cut and paste the issue to confuse Ethiopians. Make-believe Medias would be better off if the come to speed with the struggle to end dictatorship that promote their wish list.

Finally, it begs asking. Why is it the so-called Medias in the diaspora skirting the fact; the ruling regime’s clandestine dysfunctional elites in diaspora are the primary cause of deflecting the problem facing our people from ending the illegitimate Woyane rule and fail to confront them accordingly?

In that regard, my next article titled ‘journalism for dummies and the fainthearted’ may help answer the crises brought by dysfunctional ‘Media’ elites, particularly in the diaspora. Until then, watch out make-believe Medias; Ethiopians are watching and there is no place to run or hide for relegating your responsibility to speak on behalf of the people.

As our wise people say; ሲሮጡ የታጠቁት ሱሪ ሲሮጡ ይፍታል, it is better for the male-belive Medias to ‘do it right or don’t do it at all’ before it is too late.

The article is dedicated for all Ethiopians that suffered under the rogue TPLF led Apartheid regime just because dysfunctional elites failed you from doing the right thing to end your torment.   

Received on Mon Dec 26 2016 - 15:47:16 EST

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