Q & A-Happy New Year!

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2017 20:39:02 +0100

Happy New Year!

Saturday, 31 December 2016 23:31 |
  • It’s here! Finally. The last date on the calendar, the last day of the 364 ‘leaped’ days and the most awaited day for a fresh start. For many of us, New Year’s Day could simply be the turning point of a calendar page, however, for many more, it is the sacred last tick on the clock generating a whole new set of them. Worth a celebration or not, though, it is definitely a time to clean up from the mind, all the preoccupations and dare to map out new ways directed towards a utopia of our own; a time of reflection for new ventures. 
  • May you all have a happy venturing time on this New Year and lets us see on today’s Q&A what our young guests have to say on this New Year’s Eve.
  • Seid Saleh
  • Head, Human Resources Development and Documentation Department, NUEYS (National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students)

New Year would mean more to us: the youth. It is a checkpoint, where we evaluate past walks and set for new journeys. And because we own that young passion, only naturally would we feel that need to accelerate with our thriving ventures. Hence, it is my greatest wish for all Eritrean youth to be successful, happy and content.

Seid Saleh

NUEYS always prioritizes the youth’s need and look for ways to assist them. In fact, in this almost ending year, the Union has set out for numerous undertakings nationwide. That of vocational trainings could be a great example; many young people have acquired skills which boosted their professionalism and undeniably have served as key factors to the national development drive.


The Union has more strategic plans for the coming year; it is my greatest wish for our youth to benefit from them as much as they can. Our Union has office branches in all parts of the nation and we are simply one office door knock away!

Happy New Year to the people of Eritrea, and particularly to our gallant brothers and sisters in the Defense Forces.

  • Niat Simon 
  • Student, Halhale College of Business and Economics

Niat Simon

Hello! Happy New Year to you all! I just got back to Asmara for the weekend from my college to celebrate the New Year, and what a great time!

Another year has come and I am with family and friends whom I love extremely. And this is exactly what we Eritreans treasure the most: the essence of respect and love towards one another.

The most common prayer of many grandmas goes like this: “Don’t part us from those whom we love”. I have adopted the prayer too, so, may this New Year be a year in which we will keep rejoicing with each other. You know, our very big family is a rainbow of diversity, respect and love.

As soon as the festive season is over, we’ll all go back to school, so best of luck to my schoolmates, I hope we all do awesome in the midterm exams!

  • Nesrit Yassin 
  • Professional Makeup Artist and Stylist

Cusub Egida! That is how we say Happy New Year in Saho, my mother tongue. New Year is the time of the New Year for everyone to turn a chapter by looking forward and 

Nesrit Yassin

improving ourselves and spending time with long lost friends or family.

Let’s welcome the holiday season with a joyous spirit and make peace and have faith in life. Every one of us is meant to do great things and we are all destined to be happy and satisfied in life. Therefore, let’s welcome the coming year the best way there is.

I wish for everyone a Happy New Year; may this year be so joyous and so blissful such that no one will feel the need to put on makeup to be content…even though this would put me out of job!

  • Meron Haile 
  • Photographer and Graphic Designer


Asmara has always been beautiful but the Christmas carols and lights make it even more beautiful. You know what this means? It means amazing, unbelievable and dazzling shots for us lucky cameramen!

If you have taste for beauty then you’d know what I’m talking about. Eritrea is blessed with endless historical sites, amazing geographical compositions, natural spots, dazzling blue richness of the sea and, last but not least, the priceless smile of our people. I guess this is what I enjoy the most in my passion and profession. I keep thinking I’m just blessed to be able to capture all of the wonders.

Happy New Year! May this year be as beautiful as the pictures that I am passionate to take!

  • Liwam Teumezghi 
  • Graduate in Business Administration, Wife and Mother

New Year! The name is not much, yet holds so much energy and excitement. The big 01/01…. A fresh start. The front line of yet another 365 days. I spent most of my childhood outside of Eritrea and I lived amongst such diverse cultures that celebrated different holidays in vastly varied festive ways, but hey, not quite like ours!

Liwam Teumezghimost of my childhood outside of Eritrea and I lived amongst such diverse cultures that celebrated different holidays in vastly varied festive ways, but hey, not quite like ours!

The love and respect I have for my people, is beyond explainable. We are a big family that rejoices by simply being together and having each other. It is also one of the biggest reasons why I did my college studies in Eritrea, with my compatriot brothers and sisters. And it is also the reason why I just started raising a family of my own alongside my spouse Imen Salahadin.

My baby daughter’s name is an attribute to historic feats of our forefathers and foremothers during the armed struggle. Dearly part and parcel of my New Year’s wishes is for my country to be perpetually peaceful, so that my little Rora, can experience the same and more serenity I experience being a daughter of this land.

No matter what country you are in or what nationality, New Year’s is equally significant worldwide. To me it is that tall building with the best view where you stand and imagine how the next year goes, that sneak peak your imagination grants you to close your eyes and envisions the upcoming twelve months.

So people let your imagination run wild and spend that gift wisely. I have a feeling that 2017 will be SPECTACULAR! Hopefully my baby Rora’s 1st Birthday and first steps will be a slice of the joy the New Year’s bring.

  • Cheers!!!
Received on Sun Jan 01 2017 - 19:39:23 EST

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