(WND) Lock and load: Europeans pack heat as Muslim violence surges

From: Biniam Tekle <biniamt_at_dehai.org_at_dehai.org>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2017 05:27:07 -0500


INFILTRATION Lock and load: Europeans pack heat as Muslim violence surges 'If
you want to live in peace, you have to prepare for war' Published: 8 hours

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2016/09/Art-Moore_avatar-96x96.jpg
[image: author-image] Art Moore <http://www.wnd.com/author/amoorewnd-com/>
About | Email <amoore_at_wnd.com> | Archive
Art Moore, co-author of the best-selling book "See Something, Say Nothing,"
<http://superstore.wnd.com/See-Something-Say-Nothing-Hardcover> entered the
media world as a PR assistant for the Seattle Mariners and a correspondent
covering pro and college sports for Associated Press Radio. He reported for
a Chicago-area daily newspaper and was senior news writer for Christianity
Today magazine and an editor for Worldwide Newsroom before joining WND
shortly after 9/11. He earned a master's degree in communications from
Wheaton College.

[image: Police in Dortmund, Germany, respond to rioting New's Year (Twitter
photo)] <http://www.wnd.com/files/2017/01/dortmund-new-year.jpg>

With New Year’s Eve celebrations across Europe once again marred by sex
assaults and rioting by Muslim immigrants amid heightened terror warnings,
many Europeans are arming themselves and some of their leaders are urging
drastic action.

German interior minister Thomas de Maiziere called for putting his
country’s police and intelligence services under the authority of a single
national police force and giving the federal government responsibility for
deporting rejected asylum-seekers, the Telegraph of London reported.

The suspect in the Berlin Christmas market attack, Anis Amri, was a
rejected asylum seeker. DeMaiziere proposes new “federal exit centers” that
would be set up near airports to hold deportees until they could be

In Italy, the leader of the right-wing Lega Nord party, Matteo Salvini,
said Islam is the main problem confronting Europe
contending it is incompatible with European values.

He said the Berlin Christmas market attack Dec. 19 in which 12 people were
killed and 49 injured was a direct result of not heeding the “warning” of
the New Year’s Eve sex attacks on Cologne one year ago.

“We are under attack and must decisively kick out those people who do not
have a legal claim to residence here,” he said. “If you want to live in
peace, you have to prepare for war.”

*The Obama administration’s betrayal is exposed in “See Something, Say
Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to
Jihad,” by former DHS officer Philip Haney and WND Editor Art Moore

In Dortmund, Germany, on New Year’s Eve, more than two-dozen people were
injured when a mob of more than 1,000 men chanted “Allahu Akhbar,”
launched fireworks at police and set fire to the roof of Germany’s oldest
church, St. Reinolds.

In Hamburg, 14 women were the victims of sex attacks.
said the suspected attackers, including migrants, grabbed their victim’s
crotches. Ten people have been arrested in connection with the sexual

Officers said three Syrians, three Iraqis, two Afghans, one Eritrean and
one German were arrested in connection with the assaults. Firefighters and
police were called out to more than 2,000 incidents during the celebrations.

Police in the Bavarian town of Augsburg launched investigations into
several sex attacks on New Year’s Eve. Afghan nationals, aged 19, 21 and 37
were accused of repeatedly groping two 18-year-old girls.

*Racial profiling?*

In Cologne, an attempt by police to avoid the mass rape and grope attacks
by North African migrants one year ago brought charges of “racial
profiling.” The spokesman for the German Police union, Ernst Walter,
defended the close eye on migrants.

“The real question is how can we politically prevent even the existence of
such serious North African criminals, and that is really what we should
think about,” he said in an interview Monday with the private German TV
channel Phoenix

“In my opinion, and in the opinion of the German Police union, these people
should be deported,” Walter continued, according to a translation.

“If they are serious criminals and they can’t be deported, then they belong
behind bars under lock and key and not on the streets of the Federal
Republic of Germany.”

More 1,000 police officers were on the streets of Cologne Dec. 31 after
more than 1,000 women reported incidents, including robbery and sexual
assaults on New Year’s Eve one year ago.

About 650 people, mostly North Africans, were detained for identity checks
at this year’s celebration.

Nevertheless, authorities said more than 150 crimes had been reported in
the celebration in Cologne Sunday night and Monday morning, including
almost a dozen assaults or insults of a sexual nature.

*Germany’s fundamental change*

A caller to a British radio show who had just returned from the New Year’s
Eve celebrations in Germany defended German police
against the racial-profiling charge, insisting “outsiders” could not
understand the overwhelming fear the German people have felt amid the
migrant crisis.

The caller, noting he was married to a German, told the host of the show on
the London station LBC, former UKIP leader Nigel Farage, the problem is
“that people don’t appreciate outside of Germany is what’s going on there
on a daily, on an hourly, basis.”

“Public swimming pools, the sex offenses that are taking place in
universities and schools; the people of Germany are currently terrified of
what’s going on,” he said.

He said Germany had changed fundamentally after Chancellor Angela Merkel
allowed 1.1 million migrants to enter the country without vetting.

“They were once a very passive left-wing country, as you well know, but
that is beginning to change, and it’s beginning to change in a way that
I’ve never seen before,” the caller said.

“The German government are currently going through an insurance package for
the population, especially in places like Bavaria, I was down there skiing
at the beginning of the year, the demographic of the country has changed
beyond recognition.

“I feel quite vulnerable in the streets, the whole country has changed.”

He said the police in Cologne did the right thing.

“Damn right they did, because people here are not aware of what’s going on
there. Especially women are terrified, and if the police don’t do this then
there is no hope.”

After the Cologne sex attacks last year, major German cities all reported
an influx of requests for weapons permits, Breitbart reported

Cologne police estimated that they received at least 304 applications
within just two weeks of the mass sexual assaults, compared to 408
applications over the entire year of 2015.

In Belgium, applications for firearms permits have skyrocketed, Breitbart
reported, with applications in one major province more than doubling in
just five years. Permits in Belgium are issued only after the authorities
conduct a “morality investigation” followed by a theoretical and practical

*Spurred to action*

After largely shaking their heads “in passive, ineffectual dismay over the
Salafist mosques in their communities,” the recent rash of terror attacks
and concern about increased radicalization among European Muslim youth have
spurred officials into action, the Investigative Project on Terrorism

In November, Germany outlawed the Salafist group True Religion, calling it
a “collecting pool” for jihadists.

IPT noted that with all the focus on ISIS, it’s the local mosques, largely
backed by the Saudis, that always has been the greatest threat to Europe
and Western culture in terms of terrorism and sociopolitical influence.

Counter-terrorism experts and government officials, IPT said, have
increasingly “been forced to acknowledge that ‘bombing the hell out of
ISIS,’ as the U.S. president-elect has sworn to do, won’t be enough to
solve the problem.”

But if addressing the migrant crisis is part of the solution, authorities
will need to step up their game.

In Switzerland, more than 8,000 migrants disappeared in 2016 after
abandoning the asylum procedures without informing authorities, RT.com

It represents a 40 percent increase over last year.

Martin Reichlin, a spokesman for the Migration Ministry, said the missing
migrants came mainly came from Africa with the majority coming from Eritrea
(801), Gambia (792), Nigeria (716), Guinea (508), Algeria (504) and Somalia

*Jewish community’s ‘severe trauma’*

Meanwhile, Jewish Press columnist Isi Leibler wrote the day after Christmas
that Jewish communities around the world, but particularly in Europe, are
“suffering severe trauma as they experience erosion of the acceptance and
security they enjoyed over the past half century.”

“Whether it be Paris, Johannesburg, New York, Melbourne or any city with a
Jewish community, the anti-Semitism expressed as feverish hatred of the
Jewish state — incubated over the past decade by a witches’ brew of Muslim,
far-left and traditional anti-Semitism — is again transforming many Jews
into pariahs,” Leibler wrote.

Received on Wed Jan 04 2017 - 10:27:48 EST

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