Eurocentric Hegemony and African Recolonisation

From: Berhane Habtemariam <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 23:52:38 +0100
Eurocentric  Hegemony  and  African  Recolonisation
By  Mafa Kwanisai Mafa
Senior Library Assistant
(Pan –Africanist, media enthusiast, organizer)
Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
January 5, 2017
Th is presentation argues that there is an imperative need to understand that Africa attained the  flag and national anthem independence only , because a critical analysis of 21st century Africa  indicates that Eurocentric principles, values and practices are still evident  and that too many  African states have been captured and become subjects of Eurocentric hegemony in a fashion  that is reminiscent of recolonization. Thus, the imperialist’s goals are the creation of disorder and general political-economic chaos, a process intended to generate criminal opportunities for the fascistic superpower, the USA, and its subordinate imperialist powers in Europe and beyond. And furthermore, Africa’s independence and sovereignty stands at the crossroads as Eurocentric hegemony prepares to again, takeoverthe economic opportunities and means of production in Africa.
Keywords: Eurocentric, recolonization, independence, hegemony, exploitation.
A close analysis of Eurocentric hegemony in Africa clearly indicates that out of fifty four countries in Africa
, only Ethiopia and Liberia escaped the classical colonization by the imperialists. It is clear that Liberia can be understood as a form of a neo-colony as African people took control of that part of our continent imposed as a “tiny” Americanist political-economic structure that comprehensively imitated the settler state (USA) completely. Ethiopia on the other hand has been a great asset to African peopleand the rest of humanity, as their military prowess proved difficult to suppress as seen in their brilliant victory against the colonial Italians in the 19thcentury. However, today, the Ethiopian state has succumbed to global imperialism and the neo-colonial effect of today, irrespective of yester year courage and a principled stance against colonialism………………………………
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Received on Thu Jan 05 2017 - 22:52:44 EST

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