South Sudan News Agency: Egypt and South Sudan accused of “dirty deal”

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 16:58:29 +0000 (UTC)

Egypt and South Sudan accused of “dirty deal”

January 10, 2017

Addis Ababa/Juba(SSNA) — South Sudan’s armed opposition (SPLM/A-IO) on Monday accused Cairo and Juba of working on a secret deal to keep South Sudanese President Salva Kiir in power, a senior SPLM-IO official told the South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

The allegation surfaced just hours after kiir landed in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, for talks with his Egyptian counterpart President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

However, South Sudanese rebels say South Sudan and Egypt have been in talks for sometimes and that the main player in these secret negotiations is Uganda, citing an intelligence source. The SSNA understands that El-Sisi visited Uganda on December 18, 2016.

The rebel official who asked not to be identified in the report because of the sensitivity of the issue explained that Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has brokered a “dirty deal” which would allow Kiir to receive lethal weapons and ammunition from Egypt to wage a full-scale war against the armed opposition.

“There is a dirty deal going between Kiir and El-Sisi,” the source said, adding that “the issue of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is one of the main deals being finalized in Cairo.”

“Our intelligence sources in Kampala and Juba confirmed that Egypt wants South Sudan and Uganda to be her regional allies so that she can advance its covert sabotage campaign against the Ethiopian Dam. The man [Kiir] is a double agent; he will cause many problems for the entire East Africa region,” asserted the source.

One of the SPLM/A-IO leaders in Cairo also told the South Sudan News Agency that some areas in Cairo where South Sudanese live have witnessed increased police activities in recent days. The source stated that Kiir and El-Sisi three-day meeting is all about Egypt’s interests in East Africa, military deal though Uganda, and ways to maintain peace in South Sudan in case if the current Transitional Government of National Unity collapses. The source went further, saying Kiir asked El-Sisi to help strengthen relations between Khartoum and juba so that he could further isolate South Sudanese rebel leader Dr. Riek Machar.

Egypt announced that Kiir is set to meet with El-Sisi to discuss bilateral relations and issues related to the Nile Basin.

South Sudanese President in Egypt for bilateral talks 
(JUBA) - South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir left for the Egyptian capital, Cairo for bilateral talks with his Egyptian counterpart, Abdel Fatah El- Sisi.
The visit comes barely a month after the Egyptian president visited Uganda, resulting into the unannounced visit to South Sudan by Ugandan leader, Yoweri Museveni. 
South Sudan’s Presidential spokesman Ateny Wek Ateny told reporters that Kiir’s visit would take two days during which the two leaders and their cabinet ministers would hold discussions in relation to bilateral ties between the two countries. 
“The President of the Republic Salva Kiir Mayardit and the accompanying delegation left Juba for Cario, Arab Republic of Egypt this morning in response to the invitation extended to him by his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fatah El- Sisi," said Ateny. 
He added, "President Salva Kiir will also be extending his country appreciation of the role played by Egypt in supporting South Sudan in the UNSC, and the role of Egypt in offering education to many South Sudanese’ generations since when it was part of the Sudan. 
President Kiir is also expected to extend a similar invitation to his Egyptian counterpart. 
Critics claim the three leaders agreed to open training camps for Sudanese armed opposition at Uganda-South Sudan border with the view to topple Sudanese government for supporting construction of a dam by Ethiopian government on River Nile. 
This deal, according to security sources, resulted in dispatching more than big trucks full of Ugandan troops heading to South Sudan. 20 trucks, unconfirmed reports say, claimed entered Nimule through Elgu, and eighteen trucks via Ajdumani to Kajokeji. 
The stated mission is to pursue the armed opposition figures and to clear out rebellion around South Sudan border with Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo, though the Uganda government blackmail the people in the region that they are pursuing Uganda Armed oppositions in Northern Uganda , Eastern Uganda and West Nile as a mere political propaganda, a source told Sudan Tribune on Monday. 
The visit of President Abdullah Fatah Sisi of Egypt to Uganda last month follow by unofficial visit of president Museveni to Juba three days after Egypt President visited to Uganda, in which President Museveni during a closed door meeting with President Salva Kiir, conveyed the message that he and Egyptian leader to open up a training camp at border with his country. 
The Kampala and Juba meetings resolved to provide a support to Sudanese and Ethiopian Armed oppositions. This will involve training and providing weapons to SPLM-North, Darfur Rebels both with Military Equipment and full logistics including Finance. Egypt will supply Uganda then South Sudan will be the corridors to supply the equipment to the SPLM-North, Darfur Rebels and Ethiopian Armed opposition. 
These military Training camps have will be opened along South Sudan border with Uganda and Congo border. The reason behind is that they want to use Congo Central Africa corridors to launch attack on Sudanese government than using South Sudan Border. The training Camps will be around Mofok and around Lasu. 
This will be making it o easier for transportation of the Equipment by land because by air it will be difficult because South Sudan air-space is under the control of Sudan, a security source who did not want to be identified told Sudan Tribune on Monday. 
The source further alleged that the Egyptian government had sent 58 senior military commanders to South Sudan through Uganda to access the ground for training for SPLA, Sudanese and Ethiopian rebels. The commanders, he added, are from different military units, armor, artillery, air-defense and central military intelligence. 
“Government of Egypt has a plan to topple both the government of Sudan and Ethiopia because the of Dam that Egyptians have contested before and rejected it not to be built, but Sudan and Ethiopia decided to go ahead and they have built the Dam which affect Egypt. The second issue is the contested Area in the eastern part of Sudan bordering Egypt (Halayib). Egypt is claiming that the area and Sudan continues to claim the area also. This is what is happening in the region”, explained the source. 
Received on Tue Jan 10 2017 - 11:58:30 EST

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