New doubts about asylum for Eritreans

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2017 19:38:21 +0000 (UTC)

European criticism of Eritrea Politics

New doubts about asylum for Eritreans


Diplomats from France, Italy, Germany and Great Britain scourge the overly generous asylum policy of their countries with regard to Eritrea. Swiss politicians feel confirmed.

The European states, including Switzerland, support their asylum practice against Eritreians on a report by the UN. It mentions slavery, arbitrary detention, torture, rape and murder. The basis is, among other things, descriptions of escaped Eritreans.

Now diplomats stationed in Eritrea criticize the report. In a nine-page paper the attention of EU , about the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" reported last week and from the "Tages-Anzeiger" cited, the ambassador from France, Italy, Great Britain, Germany and the EU attention to shortcomings of the report - and criticize the generous reception practices of the European states.

«Total control is not plausible»

Eritrea is a repressive state with a lack of legal system. But: "The total control described in the UN report is not plausible," quotes the Tages-Anzeiger. The diplomats doubt in advance the integrity of the UN witnesses that they have an interest in a drastic account of the situation in Eritrea in order to justify their asylum.

The ambassadors therefore advise the European States not to follow the UN recommendation, according to which Eritreans "asylum seekers" should be granted asylum. This reinforces the suction effect.

Switzerland on the right track

The road that Switzerland had taken last summer: Eritreans, who have never been deployed, dismissed or exempted from the National Service, are no longer recognized as refugees by the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM). However, several court proceedings are pending against these decisions.

Civilian politicians, however, take the renewed criticism of the UN report as an occasion to demand a migration agreement with the East African country. Switzerland would have to make Eritrea a focal point of development cooperation - with the aim of returning as many Eritreans as possible to their homeland, says the FDP Council of States, Philipp Müller. (Sf)

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Received on Thu Jan 12 2017 - 14:38:24 EST

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