[MUSICALS] Eritrea 2017 flies to destiny.

From: Araia G. Ephrem <agephrem_at_yahoo.com_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 07:33:06 +0000 (UTC)

Flight Eritrea 2017 flies to destiny. Enjoy the music attached. It is Wazema in a real term.

Eritrea: "Tower, approaching landing."
Tower: "Eritrea, declare clearance procedures, please."
Eritrea: "Tower, all I have is my Sons/Daughters on board."
Tower: "Eritrea, please declare cargo."
Eritrea: "Tower, Sons/Daughters on board, non-else."Tower: "Eritrea, clear for landing. You looking good."
Tower: "Eritrea 2017 Landed safe."

  Wazema (Beautiful Song) - YouTube

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Wazema (Beautiful Song) - YouTube
 Kibri Hager shared a video | |



Received on Mon Jan 16 2017 - 02:33:07 EST

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