"Eritrean asylum seekers have totally unrealistic expectations of Netherlands' said rescuers

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 16:35:57 +0000 (UTC)

"Eritrean asylum seekers have totally unrealistic expectations of Netherlands' said rescuers

Arson was 'mischief' bus deodorant and lighter


The supervising young unaccompanied asylum seekers from Eritrea speak opposite Tubantia about the frustrations they experience with this group.

A group of 17 young people work 15 full-time forces, there is 24-hour someone present at the reception centers. It is the Eritreans not good enough, according to Andries de Vries, Director implementation of escorts organization Future Force he speaks on behalf of all the staff when he says:

They come here with the image they reach the ultimate welfare state. That stuff, a laptop, study and work will be arranged for them. How did they get that picture, it is anyone's guess.

Yesterday came his pupils in the news after an attempted arson at their reception center in Nijverdal. "Malice", De Vries mentions that the boys were involved in a runaway game with a deodorant spray and a lighter.

"There is always something here, but this went too far. There can and may a lot, but there are limits. This was over the limit. "That's the young people also made clear, says De Vries. "I wonder if they saw the consequences at that time of what they were doing."

The boys are after questioning the same day released and some of them are transferred by way of 'time out'. Meanwhile, the mentality of the Eritrean youth remains unchanged. Tubantia:

Through interviews until they penetrate is difficult. The supervisors keep trying. "We are trying to explain the value and usefulness of school. When they realize that, even changing the mindset. "

"Eritreans in Nijverdal have totally wrong picture of life in the Netherlands' 
January 16, 201   Latest update January 16, 14:55 
NIJVERDAL - Andries de Vries, Director implementation of Future Force has struggled with the attitude of some young refugees from Eritrea, among other Nijverdal. Among them, the five boys who were arrested Saturday morning were arrested on suspicion of attempted arson in their own home, the former youth hostel in Nijverdal. 
De Vries is not alone: the president speaks on behalf of the staff assures an attendant of Future Force. 
"We are trying to apply what Nidos (custody setting) resists us," says De Vries. 
"But if we ignore young people everywhere" no "to call, then it becomes difficult. They try to enforce their sentence. And if they do not get their way, they are rebellious. " 
De Vries is responsible for four sites with unaccompanied minor refugees (AMVs): two in Zwolle, one in Steenwijk in Nijverdal. On the Eritrean refugees, he says: "They come here with the image they reach the ultimate welfare state. That stuff, a laptop, study and work will be arranged for them. How did they come to that image, it is anyone's guess. " 
He has regular meetings with other organizations. "It does not just play with us, it also occurs in others. Especially among refugees from Eritrea. The education level of Syrians is generally higher than that of AMVs from Eritrea. Their expectation is realistic. With them there is less discontent. " 
De Vries compares the feeling of young refugees to that of a grieving process: there is disbelief, anger and resignation. And those emotions differ in each case. "This creates frustration because the image they had of the Netherlands appears to be different than they had imagined. Their expectation is not necessarily wrong, you may have expected, but it does not correspond to reality. " 
They have also in Nijverdal, face every day. "If someone tells you that you have owned a winning lottery ticket, and you go from there, then the reality is hard when you do not win. But you have to be dealing with. We try to talk to kids, to learn how they can operate here. There is also commitment and effort of the child asked for, but that does not fit the mindset. Especially in the beginning you will see that this commitment is not there. " 
Facilitators continue to do their best 
means of calls until they penetrate is difficult. The supervisors keep trying. "We are trying to explain the value and usefulness of school. When they realize that, even changing the mindset. " 
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Received on Mon Jan 16 2017 - 11:35:58 EST

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