Expressen: He strangled his girlfriend - gets 16 years in prison

From: Semere Asmelash <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 19:44:13 +0000 (UTC)

Strangled his girlfriend when she would not marry

Posted on January 19 2017 3:37 Felix

Serbe Brhane would marry to obtain a residence permit in Sweden, but when the woman repented he strangled her - and tried to get it to look like suicide.

Now he actually stay, but only temporarily; 16 years in prison and then lifetime expulsion, writes Expressen.

One evening last summer, the couple began arguing about marriage - and Serbe Brhane strangled her to death. Then he put her up in the shower, with a power cord around the neck, to make it look like suicide.

Serbe Brhanes convicted of murder - and now tightened the punishment to 16 years in prison and lifetime expulsion.

On July 24 last year murdered Serbe Brhane (28) his 31-year-old girlfriend. He choked her and hung her up in the shower with a power cord around the neck.

Dommen fields in Gällivare District Court on November 17:

Prison for 14 years for murder, and expulsion with prohibition to return to Sweden.

But Serbe Brhane judgment, and wanted to be freed of murder. Instead, he wanted to be sentenced for assault and manslaughter. He meant that he assaulted his girlfriend when they quarreled, and she associated with it suffered an illness that she died of.

For it, he wanted to have a reduced prison sentence, and that deportation would be stopped.

On Wednesday the Court of Appeal announced its verdict: the prison sentence being tightened to 16 years instead of 14. The Court of Appeal upheld the District Court of lifetime expulsion.

Appeal (Court of Appeal) ruling out that the woman may have died of something other than that Brhane choked her.

They argue that Serbe Brhanes electric cable tied around his girlfriend's neck just to strangle her, and not to get her alleged sjukdomsdöd to look like suicide.

«The purpose of the restriction can not reasonably have been anyone but that she would die," writes the Court of Appeal judgment.

Serbe Brhane arrived in Sweden on 22 July 2014 and applied for a residence permit. Where he comes from is uncertain - it might be Ethiopia, Sudan or Eritrea. He is sentenced to deportation to Ethiopia.

On September 11, 2015, he was denied a residence permit and it was decided that he would be expelled. Serbe Brhane appeal, but the appeal was rejected.

In spring 2016, he went along with his girlfriend, whom he met a year earlier, the Swedish Migration Board. They told me that they would stay together and that they would marry. If they would marry would Serbe Brhane then apply for a residence permit relative in Sweden. The girlfriend had a residence permit.

But a few months later regretted his girlfriend out, and said she wanted to marry Serbe Brhane yet. She wanted to wait with the wedding, at least for a few months.
The relationship was strained. In the evening on July 24 began an argument about the future, about the marriage.

The fight escalated and ended with Serbe Brhane strangled his girlfriend in the bedroom with an electric cable. Then he put her up in the shower, with a cable around her neck, to make it look like a suicide.
Serbe Brhane left Kiruna and traveled to Frankfurt. Where he enrolled However themselves to the police and said he had killed the woman.

"He fled because he had taken another person's life. He went to the police in Frankfurt because he was not feeling well and he had thoughts of suicide. He did not hurt himself, and therefore he stated himself to the police. He was afraid he would kill himself, "writes the court of appeal.

In addition to the prison sentence and deportation should Serbe Brhane pay 218,747 and 268,747 kronor in damages to his girlfriend's two daughters, living in Eritrea. Serbe Brhane has the Migration Board stated that he is married and has children in Sudan.

Brhane hung the corpse up in the shower with a power cord around his head to make it look like suicide. (Photo: Police)

Serbe Brhane from Ethiopia? Sudan? Or Eritrea? Who knows. But he is to be deported to Ethiopia. (Photo: Police)

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Received on Thu Jan 19 2017 - 14:48:37 EST

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